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Receipts haver. Researcher. The internet is forever. Sunlight eradicates mold. Get some fresh air @deletedtweet161 🚫DMs🚫He/Him https://t.co/M56UQC0znn

Mar 23, 2022, 10 tweets

Bottom text.

(Copy/paste into notepad first if you know what you're doing with this)
curl -s "web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx…" | awk '{print "web.archive.org/web/" $2 "/" $3};'

🎶These are my confessions🎶(about testifying to a grand jury...)

"Your Honor, frankly, in all the years, which is now more than 30 that I've been doing this, I've never had a client as prolific in terms of cooperating in any respect," said Tarrio's lawyer at the time, Jeffrey Feiler, according to the transcript.wcti12.com/news/nation-wo…

Literally from Roger Stone's Instagram account (before being banned...again)

That is Tarrio at a Women's March in Orlando, FL, dressed up as a giant dick.

That is all.

Cry more.

If you find yourself in the position of picking up a piece of white posterboard, or leaving it on the ground, choose the latter.

Fedrique decided to bring his own.

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