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Philippines Correspondent for @straits_times | AJF ‘21 fellow | @UNRAF ‘23 fellow | 📥 | Views are my own.

Mar 24, 2022, 9 tweets

Presidential candidate VP Leni Robredo is stepping into Pres Rodrigo Duterte’s home region Davao for the first time on the campaign trail today. Her supporters are currently holding a grand rally for her at the Davao del Sur Coliseum in Digos City. #PHVote @rapplerdotcom

Robredo will then be visiting Digos City Hall and visit Bishop Guillermo Afable at the Diocese of Digos, before heading on to Tagum City for a meet and greet w/ Davao del Norte Gov Edwin Jubahib and One Davao del Norte officials. #PHVote

It’s crucial for Robredo, the opposition leader vs Duterte, to woo voters in Davao. In the 2016 VP race, she lost in this region by a huge margin. Davaoeños went for Duterte’s running mate then, Alan Peter Cayetano. In 2nd place was Ferdinand Marcos Jr, Robredo a distant 3rd.

LOOK: Robredo supporters at Davao del Sur Coliseum as of 8:30 am. 📷 Davao del Sur for Leni’s FB page #PHVote

Before going to the rally in Digos, Robredo will be meeting with Davao del Sur Gov Marc Douglas Cagas IV at the capitol. #PHVote

LOOK: Snapshots of “Kakampinks” at Davao del Sur Coliseum this morning. 📷 VP Leni Media Bureau

Actress Iza Calzado joins a Robredo rally for the first time in Digos City. 📷 Davao del Sur for Leni FB

LOOK: Robredo is welcomed to the capitol by Davao del Sur Governor Marc Douglas Cagas IV, provincial officials, local government officials, capitol employees. She’ll then head on to the rally in Digos. 📷 VP Leni Media Bureau

We’re now here at the Davao del Norte Provincial Capitol, where Robredo is set to hold a press conference with Reporma president Bebot Alvarez following resignation of presidential bet Sen Ping Lacson as party chair. Official endorsement coming? #PHVote

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