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Mar 24, 2022, 265 tweets

В Киевской области в плен сдались 67 солдат ВСУ и националистов.

У многих — татуировки, обозначающие их приверженность нацистским взглядам.

Некоторые пытаются отмазаться, говорят: «это значит части» или «знак удачи».

Nazi scum


And the atrocities continue and continue and continue ad infinitum……

And this is who the west finance and support. отморозок-нацист

Normality on the streets of Ukraine. Western hegemonic propaganda doesn’t show this, instead they promote Russophobia

Правда освободит тебя


Doesn’t stop……



More testimonies from Mariupol: Zelensky is not such a popular man in east Ukraine.

More torture and humiliation by Ukrainian nazis on a daily basis in Ukraine

Civilians with serious weapons provided by USA NATO. Wait a second, civilians with weapons are no longer civilians 🤔


More human rights abuses against civilians in Ukraine.

Detailed testimony

Mariupol residents: the Mayor neglected us for 8 years and then flew like a nazi rat. Avoz neo nazi battalion where shooting civilians, shooting kids.

The horrible situation Mariupol residents had to go through

2nd part

Mariupol residents on how they manage to run away from the city by their own means.

More civilians testimony. Direct witnesses on how Azov used people as human shields. Many people where held hostage.

Russian soldiers continue to move around the center of Mariupol. In every new courtyard, the soldiers are greeted with the same picture, the bodies of dead local residents, broken houses and the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers.

More Ukrainian civilians being humiliated and tortured by Ukrainian nazi militia


And more

And more and more and more


And more

And more cruelty and degradation

And more and more

This poor civilian froze to death

Just another normal day of nazi interaction with civilians in Ukraine - the normality disgusts me how people just watch and observe. Why don’t the western hegemonic media show this, ahhh that’s right. Their sole purpose is to create Russophobia #EmpireOfLies

More civilians suffering

More and more

Ad infinitum


More and more

Nazi scum

Нацизм на Украине

Нацизм на Украине

Нацизм на Украине - how is this even possible that the west don’t show this?

Правда освободит тебя

истина, как правило, освещается, ничто не может скрыть правду.

More and more and more on an hourly basis

Normal in Ukraine

Nazis funded by NATO | US

And nobody does anything to help these citizens, because the bystanders are also nazi lovers


Fascists scum


Ukrainian MMA fighter who is trained by Russian coach is tortured by Ukrainian nazis


Froze to death

Sad sad sad reality

This is Ukrainian democracy


Nazi galore

Froze to death

Beaten and tortured

If you’re not a nazi in Ukraine this Is what happens

No Shame

Any difference?

Beaten and beaten some more


And some more torture

Beaten and screaming

No shame in nazis

Look at all the nazi bystanders

No shame

Normality in Ukrainian streets

Both died from cold

Photo evidence of human rights abuses and tortures against civilians in Ukraine.

Photo evidence of human rights abuses and tortures against civilians in Ukraine.

human rights abuses and tortures against civilians in Ukraine.

human rights abuses and tortures against civilians in Ukraine.

Kharkov. Civilians argue with Ukrainian troops and challenge them. The workers of the local nursery denounce how Ukrainian army positions place artillery in civilian areas near primary schools.

Another video of public humiliation to civilians.

And another video of public humiliation to civilians.

This is how people who are “suspected” of sympathising with Russians are treated by the nazi authorities. Extreme human rights abuses against civilians in Ukraine. Sanctioned by Zelensky's Govt……

This is how people who are “suspected” of sympathising with Russians are treated by the nazi authorities. Extreme human rights abuses against civilians in Ukraine. Sanctioned by Zelensky's Govt……

Another blatant human rights violation

Volunteer paramedic, Yulia Payevska, known as Tyra, has been captured by Russian forces along with her driver in Mariupol on March 16. You must have seen her “nice”pictures in the news, but this is who she really is:

Surrendered Ukrainian soldiers tell how their leaders where using them as cannon fodder.

Mariupol residents where used as human shields. Their testimony

Another testimony that shows that the Russian soldiers are there to help whilst the Ukrainian soldiers were using civilians as shields

Woman telling the Russian soldiers what to do with Ukrainian Azov nazi militia prisoners.

Old lady thanks Chechen troops for arriving. And thanks Putin also. Look at how happy she is to see the Russian soldiers

Arten Bonov, Deputy Chief for Kiev Region Police Department and also member of nazi Avoz battalion. For those who don’t understand he is bragging how he’s going to kill Russian soldiers, the coward fled to Poland

Some more photos of this nazi scum that nato and us are supporting. Here you see off duty and on duty at the office with some young privates.

Old video from Filmed by Avoz battalion destroying a Roma camp.

A woman and a man get humiliated and abused. The man is punched and insulted.

2 women get punished and humiliated. This could be my mother. Why doesn’t CNN SKY BBC FOX ETC show this… Shame on western media for not covering this

Ukraine. Public torture and abuse to civilians.

Ukraine. Hundreds of Human rights violations and abuses.

I thought at some point the Ukrainian fascist nazis would stop posting this madness. Human boxing bag. Ukraine government controlled area.

Neo nazis chase and beat up Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, leading members of the illegal Communist Youth. Current the brothers are kidnapped and held in a special detention center, they are awaiting trial and have been badly beaten up several times

Ukraine: Neonazis attack Victory Day parade, banderites go early in the morning to the house of a WWII veteran to abuse him and stop him from attending the parade. The full video it's a shame, how the government have allowed them to humiliate WWII Veterans for the last 8 years.

Part 2 - nazis driving over red army flags (Russia)

Just another normal day in Ukraine 2014. Ultranationalists talk the Nazi talk for the cameras. How is this even possible in a so called democracy.

A normal day in Maidan Ukraine for nearly a decade kids have been brainwashed into Nazism. How do parents let their kids to these rallies, oh I forgot, they’re also nazis

It's nearly below zero in Ukraine and this poor man has been been soaked to the bone, he'll be left in the freezing temperatures overnight and most probably died. Notice the Ultranationalist sticker in the rear window of the car nazi militias symbolism

Latest Mariupol report. More and more citizens are talking about the criminal behaviour of Azov and de Ukrainian Army.

Old video about the conflict in Donetsk where thousands of ethnic Russian Ukrainians have been killed by the Ukrainian nazi militias: Warning very hard footage. Ukraine it's been bombing civilians in Donetsk for the last 8 years.

Another civilian wrapped up in a tree in Ukraine. Judge for yourself.

Self explanatory

This was the first official report of US mercenaries in Ukraine. When I saw the photo I thought it was fake. I thought it was a picture from Iraq or Afghanistan…..

These atrocities are still happening. After this all went viral there are less videos appearing. Obviously Zelensky has told the Ukrainian nazi militia to be careful not to post these videos

Russian troops help civilians out of a bomb shelter in Mariupol.

More abuse

Vídeo of the mayor of Kupyansk begging Zelensky for the release of his daughter.

Ukraine army takes positions in working hospitals under High command orders. Witnesses testimonies

Mariupol residents on how they manager to run away from their city and by their own means.

More civilians testimonies. Direct witnesses testify on how Ukrainian Azov militia used people as human shields. Many people where held hostage.

Abuses keep happening. No wonder after yesterday a Ukrainian Govt official gave the green light for civilians to take justice on their hands.

More attacks against human rights in Ukraine.

A family who tried to abandon Berdyansk had an accident when another civilian car drove over a landmine planted by the UAF (Ukrainian forces) on the road. She saw her husband and son burnt alive. Ukraine authorities are not providing safe routes but instead setting death traps.

A Spanish fascist civilian joined the Ukrainian foreign legion 2 weeks ago and he’s already a prisoner of the Russian army. He's been depicted by the Spanish media as being a pensioner who went to Ukraine to realize humanitarian work.

Abuses keep happening on a hourly basis. Ukrainian fascist civilians take the law into their own hands

Zelensky and his ministers allowing this violent breaching of civilians human rights

Ukraine artillery shelling against a Humanitarian aid delivery point of the Russian Army in Kharkov. They are targeting civilians on purpose.

More testimonies about Azov Battalion’s cruelty against civilians and children .

More civilians saying that the Chechen Russian soldiers rescued them. Snipers were shooting at people in the street. We couldn't go out to get water or cook food.

Ukrainian Authorities have completely abandoned their civilians. They are literally being used as human shields by the Ukrainian nationalist nazi battalions.

Hungry people who have lost their houses and belongings and are starving so they become marauders don't think about consequences. This is their punishment. The pro west fascists state that this is just punishment, nothing out of the ordinary: what planet do these people live on?

Another victim of human rights abuses .

Nazis acting as martial law servants and constantly violating human rights

This poor man has gotten severely beaten up. He has various hematomas on his head and face. All in the name of free democracy

Brutal truth

Vídeo of the kidnapping of Alexander Matyushenko by nazi factions SBU & Azov. They force him to repeat Nazi slogans like a parrot

The authorities seem to be completely involved in the punishments. Some citizens stop to protest the abuses but are shut down fast. Meanwhile NATO|US are meticulously planning their Bio/Chem weapons FALSE FLAG, so they can enter this war against RUSSIA.

News about the kidnapping of the daughter of the Mayor of Kupyansk by the Ukrainian nazi security services.

The Mayor appeals to Zelensky to save his daughter.

Footage of russian POWs been brutally treated and tortured by Ukrainian army which is a violation of human rights

Украинские нацисты в Риме уже очень цивилизованные

Azov nazi ukrainian battalion commiting war crimes part 1

Azov nazi ukrainian battalion commiting war crimes part 2

Украинские нацисты совершают военные преступления

Очень цивилизованные украинцы что творят в киеве

Азов зто нацисты ! Чтобы все знали а не верили тупости

Вот как Украинцы как воюют . Детская плащадка в изюме. Военное приступленние так воевать!!!

Azov battalion nazis against their own ukranian citizens

Вот ещё одно поймали. Как будто 15 веке живут

А это просто буклет Азов в школах в Украине ничего удивительного просто нацизм .

Nazi Ukrainian scum terrorising Ukrainian civilians

Нацисты украины продалжают самосуд. You can see clearly in video that it’s the neo nazi militia that is violating human rights

Вот нацисты украины чем занимаются

Украинские нацисты мрази

Украинские нацисты взяли в плен русского

Украинские военные пытаются покинуть окруженный Мариуполь, растворившись в потоке мирных жителей, и даже надевают женскую одежду

Nazi cowards hiding as women

Кажется, телеканал "Украина 24" выдал своих погибших за российских

Ukrainian nazi militia shelling heavily damaged school 105 in Petrovka region Donetsk, then Ukrainian Gov blame Russia

Result of Ukrainians shelling on Petrovsky region Donetsk. Civilian man killed waiting for a bus

Ukrainian civilians gathering in Donetsk to listen to Putin and waiting to celebrate his announcement that Russia will recognize DPR and LPR as independent .

Unspeakable horror in Donetsk today as Ukrainian forces fire a Tochka U rocket into the city centre, killing over 20 civilians, wounding 20 more. But don't expect to see it on the CNN, FOX BBC or any MSM Horrific!!!!!

MSM don’t show that the Ukrainian forces are killing civilians, instead MSM create Russophobia and claim that it’s the Russians killing civilians. SHAME ON THE WEST #empireoflies

Russian soldiers in Ukraine as you’ve never seen them before: MSM hegemony will never show this

🇷🇺🇺🇦🔥 Rare first person footage of Ukrainian foreign fighters. Mercenaries land under fire and take refuge in a local house.
These mercenaries who are fighting for the nazis are getting killed for nothing. Did they really think that they would be taking a walk in the park.

A captive Ukrainian neo-Nazi in all his tattooed glory. Scum of the earth ———- Украинские нацисты мрази

Russophobia taken to extreme levels

Food fight in Kharkiv. Civilians are literally starving to death

Ramzan Kadyrov published a video recording of the withdrawal of Ukrainian civilians by Russian military personnel from the combat zone to safe places.

Epic footage of the defeat of the Ukrainian BUK air defense system, presumably in the Danilovka area near Vasilkov. MSM still insist that Russians are losing war and by doing so give false hope to Ukrainian civilians

Deputy chief of staff of the 503rd separate battalion of Ukraine marines was caught trying to leave Mariupol as a civilian.

More Ukrainian civilians being discriminated and punished by the nazi militia because their mother tongue is Russian.

Russian POW are blindfolded and lined up in a ditch, and are threatened with execution.part 1


Russian POW are packed up in a truck like chunks of meat

Russian POW are mistreated and abused.

Russian POW forced to sing Ukrainian anthem.

A Russian speaking Ukrainian citizen in Zhytomyr was put through the language ordeal, if the Ukrainian ethnic Russian citizens cannot pronounce the Ukrainian language as a native speaker they’re labelled as russian and arrested. 30% of Ukrainians: Russian is their mother tongue.

More human rights abuses against civilians in Ukraine. These atrocities are Sanctioned by the govt of Zelensky.

More "marauders" getting punished in Ukraine.

This woman from Mariupol gives her opinion about Nazis and banderites, and how they served Hitler and now Biden, she says to hang them all and leave them there for everyone to see.

More Mariupol residents on how they survived: Avoz nazi militia were hiding between civilians and using them as shields, They were left to fate’s mercy.

Self explanatory

Yekaterina Polozova, a refugee from Mariupol, says: “They shot at us, it was Azov who shot, Azov, I personally saw it. I saw it, let the whole world know, Azov and the Right Sector just killed civilians, for no apparent reason!

“ They completely destroyed everything, the entire left-bank region, do you understand?" The man adds: "It is not realistic to restore it." Ekaterina Polozova: "These are fascists, these are fascists, punishers, you understand?."

Then Yulia Gorodnyakov says: “In Kyiv they say that they give us water, bread, we are under protection. This is a lie, they just abandoned us. We didn’t eat bread for a month, the children didn’t eat.

In Mariupol, people collected this snow to make water. They put machine guns on them and didn't let them out, they said go back to where they came from. They didn't explain anything and didn't let them out." Since the video has no subtitles I translated

Situation in the Russian controlled areas. Humanitarian aid been delivered. Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Another "marauder" been punished outside a super market. You can see nazi uniformed troops involved.

In 2016 UK newspapers uncovered a Nazi ring in Glasgow that brainwashed young Scottish citizens into adopting hateful fascist nazi ideas. The ring leader Gary Crane can be seen wearing Azov materia. The avoz battalion have many foreign European neo nazis in the militia

Ukrainian neo Nazis have strong links with the European far right. Many European Nazis have been training and fighting in Ukraine for the last 8 years,

Azov battalion has also been recruiting in the UK. Anti-racist organisation have reported this since 2015.

Many Neo nazi grups have adopted the "Wolfsangel" after Azov popularised it in 2014 straight from the SS Nazi divisions….

The links between Ukraine and Uk Nazi organizations are something that no one has talked about enough. In the first picture Mark Jones from the illegal group National Action ( organization related to the murder of MP Jo Cox ) second pic Dover.

Journalists reporting from Donetsk.

More torture and punishments against "marauders"

Ukrainian "journalist" is trying to prevent people from fleeing to Russia by creating fake news that "Russians are putting Ukrainian refugees into concentration camps and are torturing and executing everyone" Not long ago he was behind a military massacre in Donbas

The British broadcaster interviewed a Ukrainian soldier that sported an infamous Nazi symbol on his uniform.

Back in 2014, he had reported on the role of neo-Nazis in the Donbass conflict and also made a documentary about racism and anti-Semitism in the Ukraine.

Russian war correspondent states: "We continue to move around the center of Mariupol exclusively by dashes. In each new courtyard, we’re greeted by the same scenario,the bodies of dead local residents killed by Avoz, damaged buildings, and the corpses of Ukrainian nazi soldiers"

Mariupol residents start talkIng about the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian army. They’re hosting resistance from civilian areas. Using civilians as shields. The residents said that the Ukrainian army didn’t help them, and it was the Russian army that rescued everyone

Инструкция по созданию фейков. Just so the west get the general gist how Ukrainian gov and media stage so many “fake situations”

Американского эксперта, рассказывавшего про единство демократий против России, индийцы на своём канале ответили с необычной для Индии жёсткостью

Выпущенным из мест лишения свободы жителям Украины раздали оружие.

Так Шевченковский районный суд Киева освободил из-под стражи одного из подозреваемых в изнасилованиях, похищении, убийствах и жестоких пытках, Даниила Ляшука из националистического батальона "Торнадо"

Russian pows suffering war crimes as usual by nazi ukranians

More Ukrainian nazi war crimes

Nazi Ukrainian war crimes

In Ukraine today nazi fascism is a normality

Украинские нацисты мрази

Украинские нацисты мрази

Скач Jumping in Vienna.

Nationalist nazi slogans and hate speech in the center of the EU. Nothing unusual, nothing to look at here.

"We should occupy their country in the likeness of Germany or Japan."

Biden shares his plans on the eve of NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia. US president stated that he proposed to bomb Belgrade. Imagine what he has in store for Russia. Red flags bio/ch weapons

These books are found in children's libraries in Donbas.

Look at the covers and titles. This will help answer at least 2 questions

Where did the Ukrainian fighters get the fascist methods of warfare with the use of civilians as a shield and inhuman treatment of prisoners?

There’s a big problem to get rid of fascism since they were brought up this way since childhood.

Why does the Ukrainian government refuse to recognize the presence of Nazi ideology in the country?
- Because they will have to start denazification with their own children.

Biden's son's investment fund is linked to the Pentagon's biological laboratories in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said

"The incoming materials allow us to trace the scheme of interaction of US government agencies with Ukrainian biological objects.….

“Attention is drawn to the involvement in the financing of these activities of structures close to the current leadership of the US,especially Rosemont Seneca investment fund: headed by Hunter Biden," said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of chemical biological protection

The United States should stop lying and take measures to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine.This statement was made in the Ministry of Defense of China. The ministry said that threats from US biological laboratories in Ukraine and other countries can no longer be ignored.

“Washington should explain to the world what their military biolabs were doing & why there’s no information about them”, according to Beijing. “Now the whole world knows that it was the US that was the instigator of the crisis in Ukraine," the Chinese Defense Ministry concluded.

🇷🇸That's how it is now in Belgrade.

"Crimea is Russia! Kosovo - Serbia!" and "We will not forgive you!".

With such slogans, the Serbs took action against NATO.

The march was dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

"Russians and Serbs are brothers forever."

The Serbs have moved to the Russian Embassy and are chanting the name of President Putin.

A mass march in memory of the victims of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which took place in Belgrade.

🇷🇺🇷🇸Serbian demonstrators unfurled a huge Russian flag at a mass march in Belgrade.

🇷🇸🇷🇺The Russian anthem at the memorial march in Belgrade.

The gathered Serbs came with Russian and Serbian flags and chanted "Serbs and Russians are brothers forever." The event was dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

Nazi symbols "decorated" the offices of officials of the DPR cities occupied by Kiev.

This was reported today in the Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR, where the literature found in the liberated cities of the republic was transferred for examination.

«Such calendars, with the symbols of Ukrainian terbats, a whole pantheon of Nazi criminals, photos of Fascist units, were probably in the offices of all officials," says Yan Gagin, adviser to the chairman of the government of the DPR.

Ukrainian nationalists use prohibited ammunition with white phosphorus.

This was reported by Ramzan Kadyrov and published a video.

Kadyrov: “Bandera is already crossing all acceptable boundaries. According to experts, white phosphorus ammunition was used by the AFU forces near one of the Ukrainian settlements. Due to the high toxicity and lethality of this substance, its use is prohibited worldwide."

The Russian Armed Forces delivered more than seven 7 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of a settlement near Chernihiv.

Western MSM won’t show this, they just keep on repeating like parrots that Russians are there to kill civilians and rape women

Azov militants* abandoned their bases in the vicinity of the city of Mangush.

Now the facilities are controlled by the NM DNR.

* A neo-Nazi organization against which a criminal case has been initiated in Russia.

"A whole month! Why didn't he organize the evacuation?".

A resident of Mariupol criticized Mayor Boychenko for the lack of humanitarian corridors.

The Ukrainian military did not release residents, and the mayor of Mariupol left the city.

Nazi militia were killing civilians

More than 70 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (not nazis) have been evacuated from the combat zone.
They surrendered in mass at the command post. They were given medical care and food was distributed.

On the way out of Mariupol, the deputy chief of the AFU battalion in civilian clothes was detained. According to him, the servicemen of the 503rd Marine battalion have left their combat positions and are trying to get out of the encirclement in small groups.nazi cowards

The first convoy with humanitarian aid from Russia has entered the city of Izyum, Kharkiv region.

The humanitarian situation is so terrible that it was impossible to postpone aid, even amidst the fighting. Ironic how MSM portrays Russia as the agressor instead of liberator

An action in support of Russia was held in Cyprus.

"Protect Donbass" and "Russia is telling the truth" - such posters were carried by people in the city of Larnaca.

"They have bitten into Russia, but it is too much for them."

Italian journalist Giorgio Bianchi, who works in Mariupol, believes that Europe has lost touch with reality.

"If Putin is a criminal, then we are ten times worse."

The consequences of the shelling of the Ukrainian Nazi militia of the city of Rovenka in the Luhansk region.

Residential buildings were damaged and civilians were killed as a result of the strikes.

Nationalists "with forelocks in tattoos" shot the Ukrainian military in the back. Briton John Joyce and his wife Tatiana fled from Mariupol and tell the tale in video

Part 2

🇩🇪🇷🇺A rally in support of Russia was held in Germany.

Ukrainian nazi troops execute russian prisoners, warning graphic video!!! Ukrainian nazi militia soldiers shoot the tied up russian prisoners in cold blood. Pay attention the last 20 sec of the video. Edit . Prisoners are been shot in the legs. This is disgusting!

Part 2 —-// this is a direct violation of human rights! Nazis in atrocious actions is a constant in Ukraine

How is this happening?????? How!!! It makes me so angry!!!

"marauders" being "punished" in broad day light by nazis. Just another normal day in Ukraine.

The "Nazi Butchers" have started their nazi hate parade. Soon they will be making traitors march in public parades.This happened in Lviv. This poor man shared a different opinion than Zelensky’s regime and posted his opinion in social media: look at what happens in Ukraine!

Gangs of far right nazi paramilitary watch so no one can help the unfortunate civilians. This is all supported by zelensky regime and US|NATO

This video depicts that these nazi gang butchers have been performing these atrocities for weeks due to the snow.

This happened yesterday. Zelensky regime at its finest

Mariupol children are still hiding in the basements from the Ukrainian nazi militia, the Ukrainian fascist nazi militias are still shelling civilian buildings and using civilians as shields

Message from a Russian official about the tortures and knee shootings of POW by Ukrainian fascist nazi militia.

This is disgusting. Nazism showing its nefarious demonic face. 2nd part video has crucifixion.

Part 2 crucifixion

Human rights don’t exist for Ukrainian nazis. It’s all in a days work performing atrocities. Russian POW suffering horrendous acts of sadism

Human rights don’t exist for Ukrainian nazis. It’s all in a days work performing atrocities. Russian POW suffering horrendous acts of sadism

The nazi idiots are so stupid they’re actually filming their war crimes and showing the true face behind zelensky regime with support of NATO||US

The nazi idiots are so stupid they’re actually filming their war crimes and showing the true face behind zelensky regime with support of NATO||US

Zelensky regime atrocities against Russian prisoners of war.

Zelensky regime atrocities against Russian prisoners of war. GRAPHIC!

Members of the Avoz battalion came from 22 countries and are of various backgrounds. In 2017, the size of the regiment was estimated at more than 2,500 members,but was estimated to be 900 members in 2022.…

Members of the Avoz battalion came from 22 countries and are of various backgrounds. In 2017, the size of the regiment was estimated at more than 2,500 members,but was estimated to be 900 members in 2022.…

On March 26, these children, who managed to escape from Mariupol, confirmed the inhumane actions of the members of the Azores nazi regiment.They claimed that Ukrainian nazi militants opened fire on them when they tried to reach the areas protected by the DPR. (Russian military)

Message to brainwashed western hegemonic acolytes, who regurgitate: “It’s Russian propaganda,how can a young kid have so much knowledge on weapons”:Fact check, They’re children who are living in a war zone, witnessing atrocities since 2014, of course they’re savvy and resilient.

More residentes from Mariupol speaking with f the atrocities of Avoz battalion.. this is a world nazi problem: remember Avoz are made up of 22 countries. How will NATO|US explain this to their citizens when members of Avoz are from their countries. #Catch22

Quite a conundrum, how are US|NATO going to explain this, when members are from their countries.Resolution:Let’s negate the facts and create an agressor autocratic dictator war criminal, who is a personification of Hitler. Do people who support this view know who Hitler was? 🤔

It’s all here. Not Russian propaganda.…

More testimonies by Mariupol residents on the brutality of Azov.

Horrifying footage emerged yesterday in the comments sections of Ukrainian Telegram channels. A naked girl is beaten up, forced to paint her face and then the Nazis burn her hair.

This is a very short clip of the girl being tortured in Ukraine. I won't upload the full version, I’m sorry and please don’t ask me via message. Extreme Human rights abuses against civilians in Ukraine.

More screenshots of the video. I can't get any more clips out of the video, as she's totally naked and I won’t post her nudity. She's forced to paint her own face.

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