Javiera Cordero πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ Profile picture
Free Palestine, End the Genocide. Prosecute war profiteers.

Mar 24, 2022, 13 tweets


A cooperative 🧡:

(If you took pictures of fashion during the event post them here!

Kicking it off with @BeeMe of @brasslionent, gold Nikes

@verliu21 of @EpicGames with the cobalt sparkles #GDC2022

Blood and night πŸŒ™ by @nessathewriter & @kdlunas #GDC2022

Nails and butterflies #GDC2022

Slava Ukraini @CharlyHarbord #GDC2022

Boot by Mayar (I’m bugging her to get a Twitter, wish them luck for their publishing conversations this #GDC2022 )

Stardust by @FailedAsian of @humble #GDC2022

(More to come but I have to leave for a meeting!! Don’t let down folks, I want to see you replying to this thread with more fashion!!)

Murder goose by @ashleyriott πŸ”₯ πŸ”ͺ ☠️ πŸ’• #GDC2022

πŸ‘» GHOST TYPE by @Engineer_Luna


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