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Independent researchers exploring how the spread of misinformation & disinformation contributes to extremism. Current focus- convoy watch & 1776RM. they/them

Mar 24, 2022, 17 tweets

FYI- Paul Alexander's GiveSendGo fundraiser is still live, still collecting money, and raised $2,618 this month.

It has raised $39,981 since the first donation, which the leaked database records as happening on Oct. 27, 2021- 148 days ago.

That's one heck of a "stipend".

went back to screeshot some of the comments, and...

Dr Alexander has responded to the SPLC piece on his substack. Before I get to that, I recommend the OG SPLC piece by @CreedeNewton here if you haven't done so. It's solid and a good look into Alexander's involvement with both the Canadian and US convoys.


tl;dr- Dr Alexander is upset.

Longer explanation:

Alexander was contacted for comment by the SPLC author on March 22 offering him the change to comment on "Mr. William Marshall’s two donations to Dr. Paul Alexander’s GiveSendGo COVID research campaign" and to provide a response. This is pretty standard.

Next, Alexander provides another email from the SPLC referring to an earlier response. Dr Alexander's initial response to the SPLC is not included in the substack article.

He does, however, include his later response to the SPLC. In it he refers to Dr Bryam Bridle (we'll get to him in a minute) and Dr Roger Hodkinson.

I recognized Hodkinson's name from when I reviewed Dr Alexander's GiveSendGo donors yesterday (on the fundraising page, sadly I don't have the creds to get access to the data).

Someone donated $1,000 to Dr Alexander in his name 5 months ago- could be fake name, could be legit.

For example, someone also donated $1,000 in the name of Robert Chasanoff. The first page of google results for that name brings up a "Horse Racing Nation" - it's possible someone donated in this name as a "horse paste" joke. who knows? (again, wish I had fancy creds to get data)

Ok, now on to Dr Bryam Bridle. First, @NarcTranslator has already covered a bunch about him pre-convoy. Go here and read that first.

tl;dr- he is a professor at a veterinary college. He is a PhD, not a MD (medical doctor) or DVM (vet).

He did "postdoctoral training as a viral immunologist at McMaster University", where Dr Alexander got his PhD. McMaster recently debunked ivermection.

(As an aside, I nearly made myself sick laughing about someone named Dr Bridle, pushing horse paste as a covid treatment. I recognize ivermectin comes in forms other than horse paste but I gotta take the humor where I can find it nowadays.)

Someone also bought BryamBridle.com, put a duck on the front page (quack!), and used it to debunk his claims, in detail, point by point.

This combination of accuracy and pettiness is something I can only aspire to. Well done, @ByramBridle


Dr Bryam Bridle PhD was a supporter of the Canadian convoy, along with Dr Paul Alexander PhD and the aforementioned Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a pathologist.


Time to wrap this up. I'm an NOT factchecking Alexander's SubStack response to the SPLC's piece. It's long, a bit unhinged, and contains a lot of conjecture mixed with a very few facts. I do not get paid enough to break this down in detail.

Here is Alexander's response- regular text is SPLC ?'s, his response in bold.

It boils down to "I am an immigrant from the Caribbean, I didn't know my allies are far-right, and wouldn't care if I did know, but also I wouldn't tolerate racism, the gov't lies, & Trump is great."

I'm honest to god surprised the SubStack piece is still up. I've written stuff like this before when I'm drunk and mad, but I don't post it. Anyway, just another indication this Saturday's rally will probably be a high emotion event. /end thread

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