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Dēvānāṃvijahita - The Forsaken of the Gods | प्रतिगामी महाराष्ट्र enthusiast | Brahminical Patriarchy enjoyer

Mar 25, 2022, 24 tweets

In the thread we shall see Jyoti Phule the best script writer who worked for an industry called Britishood. Stories & Scripts that even Javed chicha can't pen for his bollywood movies he did it way before time.
Lessss gooo...... You shall have a great time.

Brahmins came from Iran. They brought all the stories & literature from there. These were the same stories that were taught to the students as history in his English schools which were funded by the missionaries.

By the way even now this hatred for Brahmins is blatantly & clearly visible on Neo Buddhist YouTube channels who follow & read Phule. Open threats like above in the image (dated 24-Mar-2022) are given by calling them beggars and calling for their ousting from the country.

Here our best script writer is narrating how Lord Parshuram killed Mahars & he poured boiling oil and vermillion into the throats of the Mahar & Mang women. It continued till the Muslims powers stopped it.

So the followers of Christ American & Scottish missionaries cared for the Sudra so much that they left their homeland to emancipate them. The Brahmins are inciting Sudras to fight against the followers of Christ (English Govt).
Kabir Khan ko phone lagao koi he needs to learn.

Poem by Savitri Phule
English mother, English Language
Saviours of Sudras, Caretaker of their sentiments.
English mother, gives real knowledge.
Gives a life & love to Sudras
Award winning poem. शायद गोदी मीडिया की शुरुवात यही से होती है.

Rough translation
Eulogizing Muhammad in poems.
Muhammad the Jahanmard has broken the Arya Dharm,their idols & places of worship.Spreading his great monotheistic religion he accepted Sudras & gave them equality.
I would have said Jazakallah but sadly even after writing this Jyoti

being a non believer is worst of the creatures & hence will rot in hell (98.6).


From calling devi Gayatri as Yavani (outsider non indian women) to calling Brahmins as 'Bhatmullas'. Calling Vaman the Avatar of Adi Narayan himself as बंब्या (illiterate), घातकी (one who deceives), लबाड (Liar) & कृतघ्न (ungrateful).

Calling Lord Narsimha unintelligent like a whore that lives in the city of Pune.
Levelling all kinds of charges & blanket statements on the whole community of Brahmins.

The European Padrees & Christians are far far better than these Bhat Brahmins who have oppressed, suppressed & bench pressed the Sudras for thousands of years.

So the Aryans (acc to him Brahmins) gave bare minimum food to the Sudras & made them toil hard. The condition of the Sudras was worse than cattle. Even African slaves in America (who were subject to buying & selling) were treated better than Sudras 😶
This is not atrocity

literature but atrocity porn. What is the evidence provided for this vile claim ? Zero,Zilch,None.
Calling English rule wholesome, beneficial,righteous & what not & people have issues when someone calls him Crypto Christian stooge. Btw even his grandson Vishvanath calls him that

Shankaracharya allied Turks & the Marathas and together they destroyed Buddhists. Then came the great JahaMard Muhammad who with his monotheistic religion entered India & laid waste to the false Arya Dharm and destroyed idols & places of worship. He showed the real path to the

Sudras by taking them into the path of Islam by showing them equality. Calls Adi Shankaracharya धूर्त (cunning or deceitful). Calls saints like Mukundraja & Dnyaneshwar as कपटी. Calling Ch. Shivaji Maharaj himself अज्ञानी (ignorant) & निरक्षर (illiterate).

So the French, British & other loving govts came together and abolished slavery is what our script writer says.
Even goes on to call lord Brahma as 'रांद्या राघोबा' imbecile lusty womanizer.

Read whom he is thanking in his letters for the support & the funding he receives. He is eulogizing Christianity & Islam, ideologies that have caused violence & severe trauma to the Hindu society and what do our school books teach he was a reformer of Hinduism
डांग माझी reformer.

Last but not the least we have Sharad Pawar CM of Maharashtra in 1991 endorsing this. He hopes that the young generation should read this crap atrocity blown out of proportion hindu deity hating literature which has zero basis or proofs on ground.

Sources : शेतकऱ्याचा असूड (Cultivators Whipcord)
गुलामगिरी (Slavery)
I would suggest read Marathi ones if you can because most of the bad words towards hindu deities have been diluted or just removed in the translated non marathi versions.

Before someone calls me a brahmin bashing dalit icon.I would like to declare that I do not come from a brahmin family but I come from the family of seafarers & wine makers.
In next thread I shall talk on what विश्वनाथ फूले thinks about his grandfather ज्योती फूले.
शिव शिव

The thing that hurts most is this man's photo gets printed on the banners right next to Ch. Shivaji Maharaj himself. If this person was alive at the time of Chhatrapati himself he would have been hanged upside down & given fatke of pokal bamboo.

Your childhood school heroes shall fall mates 🙂

Phule's play 'Trutiya Ratna' depicts a Brahman exploiting a poor farmer-family. Then a Christian missionary comes and shows the farmer the 'light'.

Farmer gets ready to break the idol of Hanumanji.

Missionary says it's good Muslim BadShah's broke Hindu idols like Somnath.

Credits to @Aniruddh_30 for the above trutiya ratna info

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