Nuclear Hazelnut 👷🏻‍♀️ Profile picture
Jenifer Avellaneda• PRA & Nuclear Risk Analysis Senior Engineer working at @WECnuclear• Putting fears over Nuclear Energy into perspective• Views are my own

Mar 25, 2022, 12 tweets

Can you throw #NuclearWaste in the trash can?🗑

Will you become The Hulk if you are exposed to its #radiation?🧟‍♀️

Do you actually know what happens with nuclear waste?

Come! Let’s find out 👇

Spoiler alert: It doesn’t glow green like you see in some movies.

Before we get into crazy nuclear terms, let’s identify the types of #NuclearWaste:
High-Level: Most of the #NuclearWaste- the ‘scary’ one

Intermediate-L: Components, medical & lab items- 🏥 also generate this waste

Low-L: Tools, clothes-Hospitals, research facilities, NPP too

Ready for the action? Now we need to get something straight:

#Radiation?Moving energy. It’s a natural process

So, #Radioactivity refers to an atom losing energy by emitting particles capable of removing electrons from other atoms ⚠️Could be hazardous
We’ll discuss this later*

Now let’s focus on #NuclearPowerPlants & the main reason why you’re here:
#RadioactiveWaste - Used fuel that’s no longer efficient in producing electricity**
We cannot just put it on the trash 🗑‘cause is still very hot (& radioactive ofc) & requires special handling.

NPP #RadioactiveWaste will eventually decay to harmless materials, but it could take between 30-24,000 yrs! So we need a plan to cool down, storage and dispose it 🤔

Unlike ANY other energy generating industry, the #NuclearSector takes full responsibility for all of its waste 👇

Yes, you guessed right! 🫵

I’m talking about the spent fuel pool and the fuel dry storage.

Used fuel assemblies are removed from the reactor & they initially cool down in a pool. Here, #NuclearWaste stays under water for 2-5 yrs.

Storing spent fuel assemblies under ~20ft of water provides adequate shielding for anyone near the pool.

Have you seen one of those? 👇

Bet you are wondering what happened after those yrs under water🤔

Time to transfer them to the dry cask storage!

Casks are large steel-reinforced concrete containers, designed for long term storage until permanent disposal is available

They’re safe enough to walk up to & touch

And there are many other options under development👉 like new nuclear reactors capable of using ‘spent’ fuel from other plants, by recycling nuclear waste🤯
We are getting closer to have a closed fuel cycle!
Check out this article from @AZoCleantech👇…

As you can see, the only remaining issue is public understanding and acceptance, and not technological feasibility.

That’s why it’s important to listen to the experts & keep fighting nuclear disinformation ☢️

Would you like to know what the consequences of exposure to very high levels of radiation would be? 🤔

Me too, let’s find out together on my next 🧵

Check this out! 👇

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