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Mar 26, 2022, 15 tweets

From “The Whole Truth About Fatima” volume I:
Pray and make sacrifices.

The Celestial Rendezvous
Regarding the War

May 13 & Correlation w/Other Marian Themes
Here’s a biggie— we need to dig deeper into that “Afterwards, I will come back here a 7th Time”

Tap on to expand above text so as to read it.

The Events of July 13

From John Haffert
Russia Will Be Converted

The (#Fatima ) Decade Prayer Explained
Read carefully because the meaning of it, for the most part, has been lost even to dedicated rosarians.

September 13, 1917

Continue to say the Rosary 📿 to obtain the end of the war.
Miracle to follow like rainbow of colors of previous month.

John Haffert continues

The #Fatima Ultimatum

Vision of #Fatima offers a detailed solution.

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