KatieOverV Profile picture
Small town nephrologist. RPA Board Member and vice chair of #RPA23 annual meeting. Kidney News editor. Physician Executive Board member, Panoramic Health.

Mar 26, 2022, 9 tweets

Fantastic real world application of the financial implications of the #ETC model - what’s the dollar amount of the penalties/bonuses? By the wonderful Terry Ketchersid at #RPA22

And with these numbers personally the relevance of #ETC drops significantly.

What about JV owners? The monetary amounts are bigger but is it enough to drive investment and change practice? I don’t think so. The dialysis companies have more to risk so may drive the response to ETC. Nephrologists need to be at the center!

How do you earn back the 5% quality withhold in the #CKCC? By achieving in these 3 measures. Seriously, this talk is great. Value of #RPA22 registration just in these 45 minutes.

When looking at your #VBC partnership, make sure you know where all the #CKCC revenue streams are going. #RPA22

CKCC bottom line - lots of assumptions built in, YMMV, but great to have some idea of what you can expect. #RPA22

There are other revenue streams in CKCC besides the CKD capitated quarterly payments! Here’s slide 2 of projected revenue:

“The levers or success are simple… in ETC you’re already doing these.” -Terry Ketchersid #RPA22 Pay attention to the dementia diagnosis!

RPA members should access our #VBC guidance document on our website to learn the pros and cons of partnering with a company. #RPA22

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