Ramu Ramanathan Profile picture
Would like to be a playwright and printer like Alois Senefelder who invented lithography in the 18th century

Mar 27, 2022, 11 tweets

Ten tweets about playwriting for #WorldTheatreDay

Conducted playwriting workshops in 2021. ​Many young people said they have stopped relating to Indian theatre of the 20th century

Plus the impossibility of writing a 21st century playtext

Some thoughts (tips and tricks) ...


I've maintained that Bleak House is the best of Dickens. Some say, over-rated; some say, anti woman!

Guess what is the first word of Charles Dickens's novel Bleak House (1853)? Also it’s first sentence?


PS: Yes, sometimes, the opening is as simple as that


Beginnings are important; but then, so are endings

At the end of the Balzac novel, the hero looks at Paris from the top of the hill and threatens the city: "Now we settle accounts"

PS: Read Sijie Dai's novella Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. Will surprise you


Theatre is dialogue; and dialogue is NOT easy

I read and re-read The Brothers Karamazov again and again

The last time I read it, I realised it's actually a play; that is pretending to be a blockbuster novel

What splendid dialogue writing, O' Sant Dostoevsky


Playwriting is time

And Time's Arrow by Martin Amis is all about time

It's a book about Nazi Germany but in rewind mode: Absolutely super-duper technique

If the playwright in you wants to conquer time; then this is a must-read (one useful trick up your sleeve)


If you have run out of ideas; and there is a deadline hovering, do read these two tiny gems

1). Coetzee’s novella which can be adapted + staged

2). Wonderful short stories in this Isaac Bashevis Singer set. So exquisitely crafted that anyone can adapt for the stage


Everything this man has written is a masterpiece. Mantel + Alexevich

Every single character is a grotesque charade plus a tough survivor of absolutism

Kapuściński makes Shakespeare's Othello + King Lear look jaded



Bulgakov wrote this story in the 1920s

It is Gogol + Kafka + Neo Realism

Since it is the Stalin Era, he says something but implies the opposite

The main character (Korotkov) is like Jawdekar + Bawdekar in Begum Barve (one of the best Indian plays of the 20th century)


Saul Bellow's book is about a murder trial in Chicago; it is about his wife (an astronomer); it is about his mother in law on her deathbed; it's about state politics in Romania

What is remarkable is: all these events are kept offstage

This is a Chekov masterclass


The Bridge provides 13 permutations for one situation involving a student named FD (the initials are Dürrenmatt’s) who staggers drunk across Kirchenfeld Bridge on 15 Oct 1943, even as a meteor falls

Most of the story is a setup for the last two pages

Viva structure!


Two authors every playwright must read

Juan Rulfo: The best in the story-telling biz; a book admired by Borges + memorised by Marquez

Then there is Celine even though he was accused of being a Nazi collaborator. How to tell a wicked tale about anti-heroes + dregs

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