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Hollywood, Bollywood and everything in between

Mar 28, 2022, 7 tweets

In this thread, we shall explore some of the most poignant and career-defining roles portrayed by Meena Kumari. 1/6

The nikaah scene from Pakeezah:
Meena kumari sets the screen on fire with her eyes that emanate conflicting emotions of unworthiness, helplessness as well as the surging desire to love and be loved.

The face off scene from Saheb, bibi or ghulam:
Her command over tears and her effortless switch from a respectable Hindu bahu to a chronic alcoholic is an ode to her brilliant acting chops.
She used to dab cologne under her nose to assume this drooping heavy look.

The meeting scene from Gomti ke kinare:
A lost child looking for his mother grabs Meena kumari's saree. She looks at the child unknown to her with such filial and motherly love, that the child is convinced that he has found his mother.

The court scene in Phool or Patthar:
Her eyes taunt and heap ridicule on her selfish relatives while only few frames earlier those eyes were exuding all the stirrings of love recognized and returned.

Mere Apne: During the entire filming, Meena Kumari was strucjen with 100-101 degrees fever. But once the cue from the director came, she would transform into a new woman- the bewildered old woman character of the film.. looking every inch of the woman she is supposed to be. 6/6

Credits: "Meena kumari: a classic biography" by Vinod Mehta

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