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وطن تو مل گیا تم کو جناح کی کاوشوں کے بعد - مگر اقبال کےاس خواب کی تعبیر باقی ہے

Mar 28, 2022, 23 tweets

Let’s try to connect the dots.

PMIK said “Absolutely Not” on June 19, 2021.

Just three weeks after that, On July 12, 2021 Bilawal makes a “suspicious” trip to the US and no one still knows the purpose of his visit and whom he met there? As no details were shared. 1/n

It seems, Mr. Bilawal, who had been launched multiple times by PPP since 2012 and portrayed as the “Next Bhutto” but had failed to make any mark because of having no “leadership skills” at all, was handpicked internationally to start a sabotage of IK’s government, 2/n

maybe because his father had been a pawn of Americans during his presidency tenure, took money and never said anything to condemn the Drone attacks. 3/n

So Mr. Bilawal, who uses his Nana’s name just to get sympathies and votes of people, was seen as a fitting candidate for the job and he got an international launch this time.

So, what should we call Bilawal?

“The international puppet” maybe. 4/n

I’m making this point because in this whole episode of buying MNAs, PPP has been the sole negotiator with them and PPP was providing them residence in Sindh house and is keeping them away from the government even today. 5/n

No MNA has been in talks with PMLN or any other party. PMLN and Fazal ur Rehman were brought in later and these two must have agreed immediately because they have been trying to overthrow IK from the day one of his government. 6/n

PPP needed PMLN in this operation sabotage for the ticket assurances to the MNAs betraying PTI as no MNA from Punjab would want to contest on PPP’s ticket. 7/n

All this must have started in the 2nd half of 2021, as we saw these 3 parties having continuous meetings since last year.And Hamid Mir, a mouthpiece of the opposition, had written an article in Jan. 2022 that IK’s govt is gonna fall soon because some of his MNAs have left him 8/n

All this was happening because of IK saying Absolutely Not. And then PM went on a visit to Russia. Mr. Imran Riaz Khan, who has seen the letter, claims that it came at the time of PM’s Russia visit and PM may have been pressurised to cancel the visit but he didn’t. 9/n

Now it seems that our institutions, who already had a little grudge against PMIK over the appointment of DG ISI, couldn’t take the international pressure and have bowed down to it so IK has been asked to step down in “mulki mufad”

N league has been given a clean chit. The ones who named and shamed the sitting chiefs and maligned the army in the whole world, all of their misdeeds have been forgotten.
This video is a proof that a “Deal” is definitely there. 11/n

Who will be the loser at the end?Pakistan will lose because after the plunder of more than 3 decades we had got a leader who was trying day and night to put us on the right track and all this hard work will be undone by the Looters who had looted us mercilessly in the past. 12/n

2. The Institutions will be the biggest loser here. As it’s making them look weak, first, they are bowing to international pressure and second, they are giving NRO to those who have named and shamed them publicly which gives a notion that “more the abuse, bigger the deal.” 13/n

Third, they will lose a face which has given them respect internationally and changed the whole perception of Pakistan globally which was badly tarnished by India Pre-2018 due to bad foreign policies of Khan’s predecessors. 14/n

Fourth, they will lose millions of well educated PTI supporters on social media and overseas who defend them actively n voluntarily in the age of 5th generation war. As they are feeling betrayed that why are they being sold to the thugs of 90s again?

They may not ridicule the institution or defame its chiefs as PMLN and PPP supporters have been doing since 2018, they will just keep quiet and record their protest by staying “NEUTRAL” in the war of international narratives. 16/n

I want to know why are these two even in consideration for future leadership ? Their complete CVs and the achievements of their lives are in their hands. Just because they belong to the dynastic families doesn’t make them leaders. 17/n

Their fathers have plundered our generation enough, don’t enforce them on our children for the next three decades as well. 18/n

Can we afford the downgrade?

Just Imagine, Shahbaz Shareef giving a speech at the OIC or at the UN in place of Imran Khan or visiting foreign countries and saying things like“deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey” . What a downgrade it would be. 19/n

Can Pakistan really afford this downgrade and go back to the tried and tested politicians of the past?

No! No! No! Absolutely Not! 20/n

The question is,

Could Khan avoid all this chaos?

Sure, that was very easy. He only had to fall in line and do as told by the foreign powers and mould the foreign policy as per their preferences but he chose to do what he felt right for his country and his people. 21/n

So,we also expect our respected institutions to keep aside the personal grudges over an appointment and not to fall to the foreign pressures.
Stand beside ur government now otherwise no govt will ever complete its tenure and Pakistan will never see stability in the future.22/n

And after yesterday’s speech, we as a nation are really worried about Imran Khan’s life and his security.
We hope that the institutions’ll increase his security and won’t let any harm come to him.
As if anything happens to him, the blame will certainly fall on the institutions.

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