THE BIOSCOPE Profile picture
Hollywood, Bollywood and everything in between

Mar 28, 2022, 18 tweets

A thread on Meena Kumari’s pictures on the cover page of Filmfare magazine. 1/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Nov 1952.

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in April, 1954. 2/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Aug, 1955. 3/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in July, 1957. 4/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Aug, 1957. 5/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Aug, 1959. 6/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover. 7/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover. 8/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Dec, 1964. 9/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in June, 1966. 10/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in 1970. 11/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in June, 1968. 12/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in July, 1970. 13/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in July, 1969. 14/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in Oct, 1963. 15/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover. 16/18

Meena Kumari on the Filmfare cover in April, 1972. 17/18


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