Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Mar 28, 2022, 5 tweets

UPDATE: Governor of Lagos State, Mr @jidesanwoolu was at Apongbon, Lagos Island to inspect the damage caused by fire by Eko Bridge, Ebute Ero and Environs few days ago… Mr Governor was in company of the two Chairmen of the LGA, Cabinet Members and others.


Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Emergency (LASEMA), @OkeOsanyintolu giving the update of the situation to Governor @jidesanwoolu and the team. Markets that were affected by fire under the bridge include Irewole, Ecowas, Asejere markets etc etc

Governor @jidesanwoolu also inspected the heavy damage the fire did to the bridge, which opened up the slabs that divided the Eko Bridge at the Apongbon Section, outward Lagos Island.

@followlasema @gboyegaakosile

Governor @jidesanwoolu speaking with some of the Traders that once occupied the under bridge, Mr Governor spoke in Yoruba to the traders occupying the Underbridge on the need to leave the the place for the general good of the State.


Governor @jidesanwoolu once again states it clearly that the traders under the bridge will not be allowed to continue to occupy the under bridge and that the 7-Day Ultimatum stands.

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