brainyield (🐈‍⬛, 🛵) Profile picture
Staunch supporters of @MotoswapBTC

Mar 28, 2022, 8 tweets



Who said #memecoins were dead? $ELON is up 28% today, so we consulted the data gods for u degens and got the skinny on this thing. Here's what we found...🧐

1. #ELON, Dex traders > Exchanges + convergence = neutral

2. #ELON, Top exchanges showing majority negative balances changes over last 7 days= bullish

3. #ELON, Top Exchanges showing general sideways inflow/outflow trend over last 60 days = neutral

4. #ELON, Entity-adjusted top 100 negative balance changes (sellers) showing ~50% bag-retention over the last 7 days = neutral

5. #ELON, Entity-adjusted Top Balances are majority buying last 7 days = bullish

6. #ELON, Seniority Distribution showing most tokens are held by older buyers = bullish

7. #ELON, Unique Address Count showing steady uptrend = bullish

#ELON rating = 5/7 (bullish) 🤑

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