Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 Profile picture
Christian, Mother, American, Business Owner, and Congresswoman representing Georgia’s 14th District | Chairwoman @DOGECommittee

Mar 28, 2022, 8 tweets

Biden’s $5.8 TRILLION budget is loaded with America last climate change energy loss spending and woke environmental justice & fake equity spending but does nothing for Americans suffering from inflation costing them $3,500 extra per year.


Biden is buying all new electric vehicles for the federal fleet.

China dominates the EV battery market at over 85% and America is LESS THAN 5%.

Our federal fleet will be dependent on China to power our taxpayer funded fleet.


Thank you may we have another.

Democrats refuse to drill more oil and natural gas, finish the Keystone pipeline, or invest in nuclear energy, but want billions spent to replace appliances for equity.

“Sorry kids, Mom can’t cook dinner on the government electric stove bc the wind isn’t blowing today.” 🙄

Biden wants to pay peoples rent bc somehow the climate caused them to be poor.

I mean why go to work or even need a job when clearly it’s the climates fault.

This really helps the labor crisis.

More paying people to stay home bc that has just been so effective.

Your ability to afford gas and groceries means nothing compared to brainwashing federal staff about diversity, equity, & inclusion. Pay your taxes so this program can continue.

Oh and the Parks are racists. I know you didn’t know that, but it’s ok Democrats are fixing that.

There isn’t much in Biden’s budget that makes me feel confident in our ability to enjoy air conditioning during our steamy southern summers in the future.

But I am confident that all this clean energy and wind spending will fatten the wallets of some lucky friends of Democrats.

AOC should be happy.

Can we send the Civilian Climate Corps to help secure the border?

And Biden wants $22 BILLION more for FUTURE COVID and MORE Vaccines.

Because there is never enough covid and never enough vaccines.

And of course like typical US spending, it’s not just for us, they also want vaccinate the world.


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