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Mar 30, 2022, 23 tweets

We're starting a campaign #MariupolGenocide. The world should known about atrocities happening in this wonderful city. Russians are wiping it off the face of the earth

People can't get out of Mariupol. Locals said they were not allowed to leave the city, the city is "closed" for 5-7 days. #MariupolGenocide

this is how a building can burn #MariupolGenocide

A week ago. Bomb shelter of Azovstal in Mariupol. Children, elderly. A man says there is little to eat. Asked why they didn't evacuate. "A long road, difficult to make with children, elderly will not cope". Look at their faces, strong and concentrated. #MariupolGenocide

part of the building cut. #MariupolGenocide

when buildings become sceletons.. #MariupolGenocide

it's not a paper house. #MariupolGenocide

nothingness inbetween.. #MariupolGenocide

new transparency.. #MariupolGenocide

Apocalypse now.. #MariupolGenocide

Nothing has left.. #MariupolGenocide

Russian tank deliberately hits a residential building to kill as many civillians as possible in Mariupol. #MariupolGenocide

Mariupol is totally destroyed. Russia has truly erased this Ukrainian city from existence.
Source: Arrow Intel

some insides from Mariupol tell us that the number of victims can be 30,000-40,000 people in this city alone. #MariupolGenocide

our sources say Russians are deporting people from Mariupol to Rostov and Taganrog in Russia; some are sent further. Men are deprived of their passports and are kept in Mariupol or Russians camps near it. #MariupolGenocide

our sources say that people started losing information connection from Mariupol around 3 March. Initial Russian strikes hit electricity substations and key utilities / communication. People are withiut electricity / heating / water for almost one month already. 1/2

People died not only from shelling but also from hunger, cold weather (-10 celcius at times), heart attacks and exhaustion 2/2 #MariupolGenocide

Why Russians decided to annihilate Mariupol, mostly Russian-speaking city with a Greek name? One of the interpretations: to put the blame on "Ukrainian Nazis" from Azov and prove to Russian citizens that this cruel war against Ukrainian "non-humans" is justified 1/3

Nobody will explain to Russians that Ukrainian army doesn't have any capacity to shell Mariupol with missiles and air strikes, to hit Drama Theater with 500-kg bomb and kill 300 people in a second 2/3

So the Russian tactics is: 1) do the atrocity 2) blame you enemy for the atrocity 3) by this, justify yet another atrocity 3/3 #MariupolGenocide

#Mariupol is still closed.
The occupiers don't allow neither buses nor cars to evacuate citizens, adviser to the Mayor of Mariupol.

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