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Mar 31, 2022, 13 tweets

On Meena Kumari’s 50th death anniversary, we are dedicating a thread to her. The thread will consist of some little known facts about the woman whose smile concealed a thousand enigmas.

Connection to Rabindranath Tagore: Did you know that Meena Kumari was directly related to the family of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore from her mother’s side. Her mother Prabhavati, who was a bengali christian dancer, was the daughter of Rabindranath Tagore’s younger brother.

Near death experience: Did you know that Meena kumari nearly faced death on the sets of film Baiju Bawra. She was shooting for the song “Tu ganga ki mauj mein jamuna ka dhara” in AptaNagar. An adventurous Meena started enjoying the boat ride so much that she did not pay

attention to director shouting “CUT”. She continued rowing the boat in opposite direction not knowing that 100 yards ahead was a deep fatal fall. Suddenly her boat became unmanagable due to the strong current and she was being driven inexorably towards the fall.

Providence in the shape of a stone saved her. There were many fierce rocks in the stream and Meena’s craft collided with one. Her boat miraculously stopped and when she opened her eyes she was barely 15 yards away from the fall.

Marriage: Did you know that Meena Kumari married Kamal Amrohi in absolute secrecy.
On February 14, 1952, when her father dropped her n her sister Madhu to Doctor Jussawala’s clinic, instead of going to the clinic, the sisters hopped into a waiting Buick.

Kazi sahab began the marriage rituals, first according to Sunni customs and then according to Shia customs. The nikah papers were signed in the name of Mahajabeen and Saeed Amir Hyder Kamal Amrohi. Marriage over, the newly weds immediately parted ways to their respective homes.

Basi rotis: Did you know that Meena Kumari had an old fondness for Basi rotis (chapatis left overnight) which some consider a delicacy and others consider unhealthy.

The slap: Did you know that Meena Kumari was once slapped on the sets of Pinjre k panchi by Kamal Amrohi’s Man friday Baqar Ali.
That day, Meena arrived late to the muhurat of the film and immediately summoned Gulzar to her makeup room despite strict instructions from Mr Amrohi

that no man must enter her makeup room. Baqar Ali tried stopping Gulzar but Meena protested and clutched Gulzar to her bosom. At this point, Baqar Ali slapped her. Crying copiously, she left the studio informing Baqar, “Tell Kamal sahab I will not be coming home tonight”.

Chance encounter with a dreaded dacoit: When Meena Kumari was traveling for the shooting of Pakeezah, the unit’s cars ran out of petrol at a place called Shivpuri in MP. They decided to spend the night there. After midnight, they were surrounded by armed dacoits.

They were led to camp. Their leader, the dangerous and dreaded Amrit Lal, upon learning that Meena Kumari was in the car, arranged music, dancing and food for the entire unit. He then sharpened his knife and asked Meena to autograph his hand with the knife.




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