Carmelite Nuns of York Profile picture
Community of Discalced Carmelite Nuns at Thicket Priory, North Yorkshire, sharing wisdom from the Carmelite tradition.

Mar 31, 2022, 9 tweets

A thread on enclosure

Yesterday we shared a quote from St Elizabeth of the Trinity including the words: "My horizon grows larger every day."
It was pointed out that this is interesting coming from an enclosed nun! Could we share what this means? We will try...

Enclosure means that we don’t leave the monastery grounds except in cases of serious need, and within the monastery itself there are areas which are off-limits to visitors.

Enclosure helps us to preserve silence & solitude, so that we can be attentive to prayer. It’s not about exclusion or an inward-focus. It keeps our focus on praying for the needs of the world. If we foster this atmosphere of silence, we can then also share it with others.

If you're truly called to this way of life, enclosure doesn't feel restrictive or limiting. It opens your horizons because it opens up an inner space which frees your heart to reach out and embrace everyone in the world, with deep compassion.

This has a lot to do with time spent in contemplative prayer, which is a painful process of growth in self-knowledge but also growth in solidarity with all who struggle.

We also grow through daily community life, living alongside people very different from ourselves who we would probably never normally choose to live with! They bring us face to face with ourselves and challenge us to change for the better.

If you have any further questions about enclosure please feel free to ask!

Thanks to @Silvanarscj for suggesting this thread.
We also invite the other enclosed #nunsoftwitter to add their thoughts @SrJessica_OSB @BirgitteUna @srjudithl @SisterWalburga @SrMJMiller @EleanorCampion

This calligraphy from Ware Carmel says it all:
"God has brought me into a wide open space
because God delights in me." (Ps 18:20)

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