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Engineer, Tech Mgr, PhD Fluid Mech., Motorsport Tech, Co-host for @brakingbiaspod, ✝️, Proud husband and dad, 🇹🇷/🇺🇸 living in 🇬🇧, opinions & snark my own.

Mar 31, 2022, 16 tweets

@DANIELEALOFAN Made a great overlay of what the #LasVegasGP track layout could be like in 2023, so I decided to use this as a go-by and add some turn numbers. Let's take a Google Maps tour of the circuit! #F1

The starting line and T1-T3 section looks to be in a currently vacant field where tarmac will surely be laid down. This could change, but interesting nonetheless and has lots of potential. #LasVegasGP

The Turn 4 exit takes us to Koval Lane which is around 1km in length from T4 to T5. Our first potential DRS Zone #LasVegasGP

The turn 5 entry could be at the intersection of Koval and Westchester drive. Would be a hard braking zone into a hard right turn before a sweeping turn 6. #LasVegasGP

Sweeping left handed turn 6 will be a true spectacle around the MSG Sphere which is able to project custom images on the outer surface. Currently under construction this will be a sight to see! #LasVegasGP

Turn 7 will be a slight uphill right hander along Sand Avenue. Nice and wide with lots of room for passing and to carry speed into the T7-T8 switch backs. #LasVegasGP

Turn 8 will be another high speed section moving left before coming to Las Vegas Blvd. #LasVegasGP

Turn 9 to Las Vegas Blvd. would likely be a hard braking zone into the massively long straight. Surely a location to go full send into the corner! #LasVegasGP

Surely the highlight of the entire GP will be the high speed run down the Las Vegas Strip. There is a slight left hand around the Mirage Casino, but what a sight it will be! #AMuS reports the cars could reach over 340 kph! #LasVegasGP

The T11, T12, & T13 will be very interesting. The current intersection is large enough for a chicane. This would make for a spicy battle after such a long straight through this low speed section. #LasVegasGP

The T13 to T14 straight is roughly 1km long and another potential DRS zone. More than likely the pit entry will be somewhere around here. #LasVegasGP

Speaking of pit lane, there are a couple options. The first is halfway down the straight at Audrie street where a large parking lot is. Would make for a simple entry to a big pit area #LasVegasGP

Another option is slightly further down where another large tarmac exists. This might be a more difficult pit entry location. #LasVegasGP

Our final turn is at T14 where there currently is a fence blocking the large field behind it. #LasVegasGP

The #LasVegasGP will be quite the race, which will attract lots of celebrities from nearby Los Angeles. The track looks to have some potential as well! I hope you enjoyed this tour around Vegas! @F1

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