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Apr 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Jerrod Carmichael has officially come out as gay in his new HBO special titled #Rothaniel.

“Rothaniel,” which was directed by Bo Burnham and taped in February at the Blue Note Jazz Club in New York City, weaves stories of Carmichael’s family history in with his own coming out process.

At times contemplative, buoyant, and occasionally heartbroken, Carmichael talks about the weight of keeping this secret throughout his life and career, and how coming out has changed his relationships with his friends and family.

After telling a story about catching his father cheating, Carmichael takes a beat and looks out at his audience. “After that was out in the open, I was left alone feeling like a liar, because I had a secret,” he says.

“One that I kept from my father, my mother, my family, my friends, and you. Professionally, personally. And the secret is that I’m gay.”

After a long silence, the audience claps, to Carmichael’s visceral relief. “I’m accepting the love, I really appreciate the love. My ego wants to rebel against it.” Later, he adds, “I rebelled against it my whole life. I thought I’d never, ever come out.”

“At many points I thought I’d rather die than confront the truth of that, to actually say it to people,” he says. “Because I know it changes some people’s perceptions of me. I can’t control that.”

Learn more about Jerrod Carmichael’s new comedy special.

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