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Apr 2, 2022, 9 tweets

Today’s the grand house-to-house campaign of Robredo’s supporters and volunteers nationwide — a strategy to convince the undecided.

We followed celebrity Agot Isidro this morning as she went around communities in Tagbilaran City, Bohol. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

@anjocalimario .@agot_isidro on house-to-house campaign: Nakita naman natin sa grand rallies kung paano sila napupuntahan so may feeling ka rin na parang kulang pa eh. Maganda 'to kasi you get to get the feeling or a sense of the ground. So far, okay naman kasi very friendly. | @anjocalimario

@anjocalimario @agot_isidro .@agot_isidro on celebrities, influencers joining Robredo’s campaign: Natutuwa ako that people are stepping up especially in my industry because they have the power to disseminate the right info. They see what’s at stake na gusto nilang tumaya as citizens not as celebrities.

@anjocalimario @agot_isidro Robredo’s campaign manager, former senator Bam Aquino, also joined Isidro at Dao Public Market. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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@anjocalimario Celebrity Angel Locsin dropped by the launch of house-to-house activities in Cagayan de Oro; encouraged volunteers to speak to 10 people a day and ask them to support Robredo | @anjocalimario

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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@anjocalimario Robredo’s eldest daughter, Aika, led the house-to-house campaign in Quezon City. She’s joined by celebrity Marjorie Barretto | @anjocalimario

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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@anjocalimario Tricia Robredo conducted house-to-house visits and market run in Cavite | @anjocalimario

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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@anjocalimario Volunteers also have their own #TaoSaTaoParaKayRobredo activities in Ilocos and Davao, bailiwicks of Marcos-Duterte tandem | @anjocalimario

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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@anjocalimario Around 10,000 volunteers are joining today’s nationwide #TaoSaTaoParaKayRobredo house-to-house campaign, according to Robredo People’s Council.

📸 Leni People’s Campaign

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