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Apr 2, 2022, 17 tweets

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Tegea we tell you more about them.

1. Fuel prices have spiked & many just can't find fuel in Kenya:


2. Finding fuel has been hard yoh!


3. With maize becoming scarce, feed processors have gotten the nod to import GMO yellow maize.


4. The Kenyan Supreme Court on Thursday put a stop to BBI [Building Bridges Initiative]:


5. Britam reported pre-tax earnings of KES 1B but had to pay paid a higher-than-usual tax rate of 92.8%.

This was due to significant one-off expenses in the holding company that are tax disallowable.


6. Water break.

- One tech solution from Safaricom is cloud computing.

- Cloud computing offers a virtual environment for businesses to store valuable business information.

- @SafaricomPLC partners with public cloud providers to resell their cloud solutions


7. The much-awaited relocation of public service vehicle from Nairobi city centre will begin this month.

Matatus plying Ngong, Langโ€™ata, and Argwings Kodhek roads and long-distance PSVs from Mt Kenya region will be the first to be affected.


8. The average daily cost of leasing Nairobi homes through short-term house rental platform Airbnb has increased 23% in the past 11 months to USD 49 (KES 5,652):


9. Kenya's debt repayments are set to overtake recurrent expenditure for the first time in the fiscal year starting July 2022:


10. Kenyan MPs rejected a Bill that seeks to reintroduce free milk to school children.

The programme would have distributed free milk in public primary and pre-primary schools.


11. This week, we learnt that Kenya Airways had narrowed its 2021 full year net loss by 56.58% to KES 15.8B:


12. Safaricomโ€™s share of the voice market hit a four-year high of 70.4% in the 3 months ended December 2021:


13. Safaricom this week partnered with Gulf African Bank to introduce Halal Pesa, a Shariah-compliant mobile finance service.

The maximum disbursement will be KES 20K with a 30-day repayment period at a 5% Murabaha margin.


14. Negotiations have begun to review power purchase agreements in the push to further cut electricity bills for homes and business by 15% in 3 months to June 2022:


15. The price of key construction materials have skyrocketed in the past few months meaning that the cost of acquiring or building new homes is rising:


16. We also learnt that Kenya Airways reversed planned pay cuts as it showed signs of business recovery and on the back of MPs approving a KES 20B bailout:


17. That's all the memes we had for #MwangoMemes this week!

Kudos to our meme lords are @Wanjiku_Njuguna + @kahome_steve.

Make sure to check out our partners for the week @SafaricomPLC Tech solutions:โ€ฆ


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