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Pro EU; independent scholar: research interests in hermeneutics, textual criticism & the classical tradition; aurum in stercore

Apr 3, 2022, 6 tweets

The divided generation: the builders of the Tower of Babel kill each other
BL Add 27210; the 'Golden Haggadah'; 14th century; Spain, N.E.; f.3r @BLAsia_Africa @BL_HebrewMSS

The construction of the Tower of Babel, to the destruction of which is attributed the confusion of languages

BL Cotton MS Claudius B IV; Old English Hexateuch; 2nd quarter of the 11th century with notes added in 12th century; England (Canterbury); f.19r @BLMedieval

The Tower of Babel being attacked by angels

BL Add 18850; 'Bedford Hours'; c1410-1430 CE; France, Central (Paris); f.17v @BLMedieval

The construction of the Tower of Babel with sages advising Nimrod to stop the work.

BL Egerton MS 1894; Egerton Genesis Picture Book; 14th century; England (Norfolk?); f.5v @BLMedieval

The builders are busily constructing the Tower of Babel

BL Egerton MS 2781; The 'Neville of Hornby Hours'; 14th century;
England, SE; f.8r @BLMedieval

The construction of the Tower of Babel is depicted in this historiated 'I'(n) at the beginning of Genesis.

BL Burney 3; 'The Bible of Robert de Bello'; 13th century; England, S. E.; f.5v @BLMedieval

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