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A psycho sunbaenim, mostly #BoysLove stuff. https://t.co/FeUo9KVqjj = #โอมนนน #OhmNanon MNL FM, #MSPonStageD1, #LOLFanFest2023 DP: @parkseoham on IG

Apr 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Onto #KinnPorscheEP1.

First off, let me just say, gosh, I know I'm a little biased but damn, @beoncloud_th is not playing, they're here to dominate. If there's any indication, it's this! I can objectively say that this pilot is one of the best I've seen!


KP's first banter already establishes their dynamics in a way, both their domineering attitudes clash and would make for a VERY interesting romantic development. Here, Porsche taking Kinn's watch forcibly...

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

And here, Kinn asserting his dominance over Porsche through thinly veiled threats. There's going to be a lot of give and take and take and give kind-of situations. We're going to be left waiting for more each episode, I know!

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

This was the best scene, IMO.

This sets up Porsche's main source of motivation. There wasn't any grand speech or something but all the small, tender moments perfectly portray how deep their bond is which makes this so damn beautiful! 😭

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

Still, you're fond of d–?

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

Listen, this is very important for introducing Kinn's character. The reference to gelato is a subtle, sly remark for what would easily be a missable detail if you're new to the story. Very clever writing. 👏👏👏

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

Not ten minutes in the first episode and you can already see how this could go from funny, over-the-top to pitch black dark really fast. So, hold on to your horses because it will get worse before it gets better.

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

Kbye, gone to simp for Apo again.

#KinnPorscheEP1 #KinnPorscheTheSeries

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