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Apr 5, 2022, 7 tweets

Ukraine, state taxes and electric vehicles: How BJP is defending sky-high fuel prices

Critics, though, point to Central taxes being the major factor behind the #FuelPriceHike

By @UmangPod

Critics often complain that the Centre only increases and never reduces domestic prices based on international prices.

For instance, while Int'l oil prices plummeted during the pandemic, oil prices in India remained the same as the govt increased excise.

The BJP and its supporters have attempted to manage the political fallout of this steep rise by offering a host of excuses for why #FuelPrices are shooting up.

@UmangPod looks into some of those excuses and what experts and opposition have to say.

Several ministers cited #RussianUkrainianWar and the international rise in oil prices as the reason for #FuelPrices hikes in India.

In response, the Opposition has accused BJP of manipulating oil prices for elections, increasing them only after polls.

#FuelPriceHike | Several BJP leaders & supporters routinely point to states such as Maharashtra & Rajasthan, which have a high fuel price because of state taxes.

However, Opposition members claim that it is unfair to ask the states to cut taxes.


Opposition members claim that it is unfair to ask the states to cut taxes since the Centre has the lion’s share in fuel taxes.

P Thiagarajan said the Centre can raise revenue through other means like income taxes, which states cannot do.


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