Vasculitis 2022 Profile picture
Official Twitter account for the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 2022. 3rd - 6th April 2022.

Apr 5, 2022, 9 tweets

Parallel Session I: Epidemiology
Air Pollution Risk Factors For Disease Onset Appear Shared Across Systemic Vasculitis and Other Autoimmune Diseases

Mr. Enock Havyarimana



What is particulate matter and how does it impact human health?


Harnessing data from UK Biobank to understand relationship between systemic vasculitis and air pollution.


What is the UK Biobank?


How was systemic vasculitis defined in UK biobank?

How was this linked to environmental exposure?

See below.


Flow diagram below

Just under 10000 included.

Baseline characteristics - more likely female.


Sulphur dioxide significantly associated with risk of systemic vasculitis.


How can we explain this association?

This was the longest running air pollution linkage study.


In summary.


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