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Official Twitter account for the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 2022. 3rd - 6th April 2022.

Apr 5, 2022, 8 tweets

Parallel Session I: Epidemiology

Age and Time-Dependent Increase i Incident Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane (Anti-GBM) Disease – A Nationwide Cohort Study

Dr. Karl Nelveg-Kristensen


What do we know about anti GBM disease?


Retrospective cohort study

Anti-GBM identified by ICD10 code.




Baseline characteristics


Subgroup analysis of double positivity.

Slight predominance of MPO; also older and more often female.


Incidence increasing over time.

Bimodal age distribution.

More lung haemorrhage in younger male population.


What about mortality?

See below:



Increasing incidence over time period.

Bimodal age distribution.

Double positivity behaves differently.

Mortality is high


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