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Official Twitter account for the International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop 2022. 3rd - 6th April 2022.

Apr 5, 2022, 7 tweets

Parallel Session I: Epidemiology

Characterisation of Systemic Vasculitis Outcomes Across a Nation: Do Different Models of Care Matter?

Dr. Rosemary Hollick



How can we configure services to better serve patients with vasculitis?

This is the VOICES study.…


On to the methods.

Matched cohort study.


1996 - 2020.


What were the characteristics of the cohorts?

Clinical outcomes - more cancer, CVD, infection and death than in hospital matched controls even with adjustment in both cohorts.


Some variation geographically.

Cancer outcomes interestingly more homogeneous - perhaps explained by well defined cancer networks in Scotland.




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