Shahid Sardar Profile picture

Apr 6, 2022, 11 tweets

🐶🐶🐶 Working w. @PetsAsTherapyUK to bring joy, relief and emotional support to our patients, families and carers... not to mention the staff! Gr8 work voluntary services @philhaslehurst! Sam the Samoyed looked impressed too. @panel_patient @FinolaDevaney @Ogechi_Emeadi @Gsep_

Voluntary services @nhsharlow have consistently been at the forefront of the #COVIDfightback. Here are some examples. A thread.... (1/10)

One of the most effective voluntary services. Established following a CQC report which was critical of end of life experiences is the Butterfly end of life volunteers @AnneRobsonTrust @LizPryor3 @JCorscaden. As of today.. have visited 4037 patients. (2/10)

They've won lots of awards, but suffice to say, the recognition of the service nationally and its expansion mean nothing in comparison to the thousands of positive impacts they have on our wards, for patients, families and carers @jobusson @DrCarterp118 @AnneRobsonTrust (3/10)

A little known service delivered over two thousand messages to patients during the pandemic (beset by an incredible number of doggy pictures) Pretty sure there were more dogs than people in those messages thank you @annerobson @ian_beckett @jobusson @Gof204 @TonySaward (4/10)

2986 video calls. it can only be the stand out voluntary service for the entirety of the pandemic, supported by our incredible ICT team. Virtual visiting project. Thank you @MissHelenPardoe @Gof204 @TonySaward @RobertJMAyers @philhollandnhs @HETTShow #UnexpectedInnovation (5/10)

And it does deserve another tweet because so many people contributed across so many disciplines, ICT, clinical teams, infection control, our unsung heroes in our chaplaincy services @GillNewman1, @ian_beckett @HarlowCouncil @SCCIAlphatrack and @AdamSmith912 for iPads (6/10)

So, just how many voluntary projects are there? Answer: Too many to mention in a few tweets! Next up... Project Wingman. A voluntary services staff support project with @STN_Airport and fabulous furloughed flight crews running a first class lounge. (7/10) #lockdownhaircuts

Another of the voluntary services who operate @nhsharlow and rarely get a mention is @HarlowHospRadio. In 2020 they celebrated, in a muted way due to the pandemic, their 50th anniversary! Incredible! The @panel_patient included the group in their @QueensAwardVS celebration (8/10)

The @panel_patient are also volunteers. They've just published an Annual Report 2021, were identified as an area of outstanding practice by the CQC in September, won the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service and most imp. bought radiology team the most incredible cake (9/10)

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