David Kaplan Profile picture
Fox 5 DC Reporter. Like/RT not endorsement. I use facts/interviews/primary sources. "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." Mark Twain

Apr 6, 2022, 10 tweets

HAPPENING NOW: @FBI confirms they’re “conducting court authorized law enforcement activity” on the 900 block of I street SE. This is at Crossing Apartments. Resident tells Me he saw multiple officers in military-style uniforms w/ rifles walking thru building.Waiting to learn more

FBI agents continue walking in and out of the building. Multiple people who live inside have told me they’ve seen NCIS, too. One woman told me she saw postal police.

FBI agents walking in with what appear to be cardboard boxes. #Fox5DC

Heading home from scene now, but will keep tabs on it and post to this thread if we learn anymore about what's happening.


JUST IN: Sources confirm to #Fox5DC that this is all related to two projects charged with impersonating federal officers. 40 year old Arian Taherzadeh and 36 year old Haider Ali.

Here's part of indictment alleging Taherzadeh and Ali told people they were with DHS and tried to ingratiate themselves with authorities by paying the rent for an employee of the Secret Service and an employee of DHS.


Charging doc says this all started a few weeks ago when a postal inspector was investigating an assault on a postal worker and Taherzadeh and Ali told them they could help w/ investigation.

It seems like postal inspector got suspicious and referred to DHS IG who referred to FBI.

One of the witnesses was a secret service agent on the *First Lady’s* detail. Taherzadeh sent pictures with uniform and tactical gear. Earlier version of this tweet said Vice President.


Clarification: the language in the indictment says the original assault ~~involved~~ a postal worker.

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