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it's always the same people

Apr 6, 2022, 8 tweets

It takes Jimmy Dore 33 of 44 seconds to read off the list of organizations Dr. Aaron Kheriaty is currently affiliated with.

He failed to mention one.

The one that is deeply involved in the promotion and production of the event they're currently plugging on Jimmy's show. 🤔

Not only are they deeply involved in the Defeat The Mandates rally, The Unity Project's Chief Scientific Officer is riding along with the THE PEOPLE'S CONVOY ON THEIR WAY TO ABOVE MENTIONED RALLY.

I ❤ trolling Parisa

It looks like they're previewing their most compelling evidence against Fauci before the fake "America's Grand Jury" begins.

(It'd be nice to hear from some docs coming to Fauci's defense, since the fake "trial" won't be providing any. Talk to me like I'm 5. Don't be shy.)

Here's Kheriaty's argument for natural immunity (over vaccines) if any doctors that aren't psychiatrists want to accept the challenge:

Jimmy Dore: he changed his tune 180 percent(?); he's a liar; he's a criminal; he belongs in prison; if we had Medicare for All we could have saved 200,000 lives (was my fav).

It may be circumstantial but let's just say I'm collecting my own evidence as to what persons/entities are behind the Defeat The Mandates rally on April 10th.

Weird ratio 🙃

Hi, Parisa. #Fiatlux

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