Nuclear Hazelnut 👷🏻‍♀️ Profile picture
Jenifer Avellaneda• PRA & Nuclear Risk Analysis Engineer working at @WECnuclear• Putting fears over Nuclear Energy into perspective• Views are my own

Apr 6, 2022, 9 tweets

In movies, a #NuclearReactor is always shown with a shining electric blue haze & we all assume that it’s part of the special effects.

BUT, I've got news for you: It's actually called the Cherenkov Effect & as said by @DE_Nuclear:

Cherenkov Effect is Science, Not Science Fiction

The electric blue haze is a natural phenomenon known as the Cherenkov radiation or Cherenkov Effect.

Let's check out the science behind it👇

As you may already know, the Cherenkov effect can be seen near the reactor & used fuel pools at #NuclearPowerPlants.

The particles concerned by the effect (electrons and positrons) are very light, & they can reach very high speeds causing brief flashes of light. 🤯

And guess what?... It also has other great uses! 😱

1️⃣Detection of labeled biomolecules:

Radioactive atoms such as P-32 are introduced into biomolecules by enzymatic and synthetic means. Then it may be easily detected in small quantities to illuminate biological pathways.

2️⃣ Astrophysics experiments:

A high-energy photon or cosmic ray interacting with the 🌎’s atmosphere produces an electron-positron pair with enormous velocities.

The Cherenkov radiation emitted is used to determine the direction & energy of the ray used by MAGIC🔭👇

3️⃣Particle physics experiments:

Mainly used for particle identification. The velocity of an electrically charged particle can be measured by the #Cherenkov light it emits in a certain medium.

Check out the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) 👇

& more recently:

4️⃣Medical imaging of radioisotopes & external beam radiotherapy:

#Cherenkov light has been used to image substances in the body. By using either internal sources such as injected radiopharmaceuticals or external beam radiotherapy in oncology.👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

As you can see, the shining electric blue light that is characteristic of a #NuclearReactor or the spent fuel pool, not only looks nice but also has many different uses. 💙

Do you know any other benefits of this effect?

Let me know! 👇

If you'd like to read more about the benefits mentioned before, I recommend the following articles: 👇


And remember: Cherenkov Effect is Science, Not Science Fiction💙

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