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Apr 7, 2022, 7 tweets

Introducing the BJP Karnataka’s hate champions. This team is focused on dividing the people of Karnataka on communal lines and destroying our beloved state.


Known nationwide for his foot-in-mouth statements, @ikseshwarappa didn’t think twice before insulting the idea of India, demanding that our national flag be replaced with saffron.


A master who would have made Nazi minister Joseph Goebbels proud. @JnanendraAraga uses every issue to give it a religious tint and deflect from his poor performance.


The very idea of secularism leaves this BJP leader visibly furious. Any talk of unity and diversity and @nalinkateel jumps in with his violence fomenting comments.


No age group is too less for @BCNagesh_bjp to attack. Even school children were targeted by him and he told them to pick religion over education. And he is Karnataka’s education minister, no less!


Nalin Kateel’s brother-in-arms and another BJP leader who excels at covering up bad governance with hate-filled statements. @CTRavi_BJP wants to divert the issue of price rise by talking about halal and jhatka cuts.


Every fanatic needs a leader and Chief Minister @BSBommai personalises in his own brand of hate. Without his leadership and vision, the other hate champions have no chance of succeeding.


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