Joel M. Topf, MD FACP Profile picture
Saying the product of the kidneys is urine is like saying the product of a factory is pollution. Urine is a by-product. The product is homeostasis COI: link👇🏼

Apr 7, 2022, 8 tweets

Next up is Wendy St Peter Pharm D on the Challenges in Anemia Management. She starts with a Polling Question

Spoiler, according to table mate @nephrologyPharm, MSL for Amgen it is A. #NKFClinicals

Quick tour through Beserab CREATE, CHOIR, TREAT. Meta analysis #NKFClinicals

What effects the trials had on ESA use: Gold is Hgb, Grey is weekly EPO dose. TREAT caused overnight change in dosing.

LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM, “No significant association was found between improvements in Hgb levels with treatment and any of the 5-dimensions of quality of life.” #NKFClinicals

Now on to the Pivotal Trial of IV iron. N=2141 she reports is as no difference, but I thought after the correction there was a reduction in events? #oops #NKFClinicals

Just looked it up, I’m pretty sure I’m right here. #DoBetter #NKFClinicals

Okay, that distracted me and I missed the rest of her talk, but here is her conclusion slide #NKFClinicals

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