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iERA - Islamic Education and Research Academy - is dedicated to sharing the beautiful message of #Islam all over the world.

Apr 10, 2022, 7 tweets


We're visiting indigenous communities in the mountains of Luzon where over 400 people have accepted Islam recently. It's such a remote place (they don't have electricity) our van couldn't even get there. We had to ride a "kolong kolong" & it had its fair share of issues 😅 1/9

Upon arrival, we sent a messenger pigeon to the community to let them know we're sharing iftar with them on that day so they know we'll be there in a few hours inshallah. We have a da'iya that speaks the local dialects and went through the importance of prayer with them again

We also coordinated with a local NGO that provided them with Ramadhan food packs with the help of the local military (providing transport) as well. 3/9

We then walked through the river and had a recreational break with them. A few months ago we were picking crabs from a river in the Amazon with #NewMuslims in the Ecuador. And now we're doing the same in the mountains of the Philippines. 🦀 4/9

Alhamdulillah a woman was waiting for us in the village to take the #shahada as well. We received many fruits as gifts and then the team did another session of the prayer course. We then prayed dhuhr together. 5/9

🥸 Our team made a surprise visit to to the mountain to check if they would pray on their own. They were so happy when they heard them delivering the Adnan loud at dhuhr and were gathering together to pray. 6/9

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