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Apr 12, 2022, 6 tweets

Welcome to #BOU2022, Avian Reproduction, the BOU’s 2022 annual conference .

Our three-day conference is on Zoom and on Twitter and is a genuinely low carbon even.

By making #BOU2022 virtual we've also taken it global and have expanded the event way beyond the UK-dominated attendance of an in-person conf with this Zoom conference having nearly 2x the delegates, 36% of whom are from outside the UK.

And not only are all the #BOU2022 Zoom presentations summarised here on Twitter, but you will also enjoy some Twitter-only presentations that aren't being presented on Zoom during the breaks of the Zoom conference.

Full programme at:…

So, sit back and enjoy #BOU2022, Developments in monitoring science.

All conference resources can be found at… | #ornithology

Remember to use the #BOU2022 tag when asking and replying to questions or commenting on presentations. Also, please try not to tweet over presentations. Ask Qs immediately after each presentation or ask during the next break. Thanks!

Ooops! Our fault - it should of course say #BOU2022 Avian Reproduction! Think I need to grab a coffee... Enjoy everyone😁 - Nat

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