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Digital and communications hub for Maryland's progressive movement. Working to lift the voices of our partners and build a just, equitable future for Maryland.

Apr 12, 2022, 6 tweets

The 2022 MD legislative session ended yesterday, and #MDGA22 got a lot done!

Here's your SFM wrap-up of some of the biggest bills passed this session. For a fuller picture, visit our updated bill tracker ⬇️…

Now on to the wrap-up! ⤵️

Three cheers for supporting MD families! 💜

✅ Time to Care gives people 12 weeks of paid family & medical leave @TimetoCareMD

✅ Healthy Babies Equity Act expands Medicaid to cover prenatal/postpartum care for pregnant people regardless of immigration status @CASAforall

This was a HUGE year for youth justice reform in Maryland.

✅ Omnibus reform right-sizes our system & gives kids #CareNotCages

✅ Child Interrogation Protection Act will ensure that we treat kids like kids & protect their due process rights

We were so proud to support @rentersuniteMD this session in the fight for for important tenant protections – and we WON! 💛

These three bills (among others!) will keep Marylanders housed, protect renters' rights, & make our homes safer. ✅

Finally: CLIMATE! We passed landmark climate legislation with #ClimateSolutionsNow, making Maryland a climate leader. 🌳☀️

This is a big deal. Maryland is on the path to net-zero emissions by 2045!

We're incredibly proud of the work we did to support these bills, among others. We got to collaborate with, learn from, and organize alongside some truly inspirational advocates.

To everyone who played a role in passing these bills – THANK YOU! 💙

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