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Forager, cyclist, morlock, maker, scientist. Mastodon: Threads: Bluesky:

Apr 13, 2022, 11 tweets

Looking at UK Covid data right now, I've got to say, what a mess. What a hell of a mess. Here's the overall picture, I'll try and describe what happening in this thread (1)

Firstly, deaths. They're continuing to rise. We should be seeing the rise in deaths falling now if the drop in cases was real (it isn't). Over 1500 deaths over 7 days. (2)

The daily deaths total is over 6 times what it was this time last year. I find myself baffled as to why there aren't riots. (3)

Over the last 7 days we've seen one death every 6 minutes and 35 seconds. Do you remember "Don't Give Up", Peter Gabriels duet with Kate Bush? One person killed by Covid in the UK every that long (4)

I shan't even give our recorded cases data any consideration - its currently nonsense. Its falling rapidly because we've abandoned testing. At a time when real cases are rocketing (5)

Hospital admissions might have just peaked, but don't get excited. This could be the school Easter Holidays biting, it could also be a delay in data reporting (there are always extra hospitalisations added to the total over the next week). (6)

Whether they've peaked or not, hospitalisations are higher than they've been at any time this year. Thats another way we can tell that the data on recorded cases is complete nonsense (7)

Despite the fact that deaths data is artificially low (thousands of deaths were 'accidentally' left out of the daily figures this year) we know that deaths are still tracking hospitalisations. (8)

Bottom line? Deaths are rising exponentially, at a steady 4% per day or thereabouts right now. And we can anticipate this will continue. Hospitalisations are at terrible levels creating huge strain on health services (9)

Schools are off for Easter and that'll help, but with workplaces and public services in absolute crisis due to staff sickness, with Covid cases surveyed to be higher than at any point in the UK, we are in huge trouble (10)

And a government in a constant state of self-made crisis has abandoned all safety measures. We are in trouble, and even if Easter gives us a break, things are going to get worse (fin)

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