Nick⚡️ Profile picture
He/Him •RHS📚 •A RWBY,Marvel,Star Wars,COTC,Gravity Falls,Owl House,Amphibia & SVTFOE fan account •Critic Account•I have,ADHD,Autism,& I’m Pansexual🏳️‍🌈

Apr 13, 2022, 35 tweets

#NicksTalk:After,seeing Dan,Dani,Jeremy,Cal & Critter call out Seeker’s toxic behavior in the RWBY FNDM I’ve decided to do the same today with not only sharing my experiences with them but,also providing me evidence of them not only harassing me but spreading lies as well!

What’s to say about Seeker now?Well,from my point of view Seeker is a lying,ignorant,arrogant,& repulsive person on this app who will do anything to spread false information about you and make it seem like they’re the victim in an argument that they themselves started!

The first time I had interacted with Seeker on here was back when I was giving my criticism on a certain RWBY ship and you can guess how well that turned out…

What was even weird about that whole confrontation as well was when they kept on bringing up RWBY critics in the fandom like Vexed and Eruption Fang despite me mentioning them at all and just told me to “go watch a positive RWBYtuber” who doesn’t spread hate like Calxiyn.

And like the person I am I wasn’t even hostile with Seeker and even went to explain to them as to why it all critics are bad but,like Seeker being the person they are they not only flipped out but went on a full rant to say I “encourage hatred in the RWBY FNDM” that

I’m homophobic for not liking any LGBTQ+ ships(Specifically Bumbleby!And btw me not liking any LGBTQ* ships is majorly false btw seeing how I retweet A LOT of Lumity,Sashanne and Marcanne tweets on here!!!!)

and went on to twist my words and make it seem like I’m a quote on quote “stalker!”(Ironic coming from them which we’ll get into that later btw so stay tuned😊)And keep in mind that all of that happened back on my J Jonah Jameson account all because I told them not all

RWBY Critics are bad and that Critter,Twiins,Vexed and Eruption fang have made great points!It wasn’t till later that month in August Seeker DM’d me saying how they were sorry and that they wanted to make amends with me and like the fool I was I believed it and that apology

didn’t come without a price….Later on,they wanted me to take down my tweets that mentioned them because they were apparently being harassed and they wanted me to take them down.The same tweets that called them out on their behavior and the ones providing evidence of their toxic

behavior & they wanted me to take them down so that those “harassing” them can stop calling them out!Anyway flash forward into October I start posting more on this and giving my takes on some scenes in RWBY giving my criticisms now Volume 8 and guess who’s back again?

If you said Seeker come on down and give yourself a prize!Not only were they back at it again but,they also decided to bring in one of their “twisted friends” into our conversation and things just went from hell to there!

Not only did they continue to being Vexed and Twiins into the conversation but straight up said that “I am incapable of thinking!”At that point I was just done with Seeker’s bs…How the hell are you going to tell someone who has austim(who was also 15 at the time!!!)

that they are incapable of thinking?…If I honestly didn’t have good people looking out for me I actually might have broken down to that comment and probably have done worse all because I criticized this show that this insane individual likes!

Can’t say I’m surprised they said this tho due to the fact that they’ve compared the rwby FNDM toxic behavior to people on the spectrum with austism…

So,after that I just decided to block Seeker and move on with them even blocking me as well;but even that didn’t stop them oh no!Like Cal and Critter have mentioned Seeker went on to make fake accounts to continue harassing me and started to stalk me tweets and spread lies

about me on Tumblr!Hell they went so far to even come up with a bigger lying telling their friend that I’m “cyberbullying” them!WHAT?!?!?You’re telling me that a 16 year old who makes critiques RWBY here and there is “cyberbullying”l someone who is most likely in their mid

twenties if not thirties!!!Now I know some of you may be asking “If what you’re saying is true why didn’t I come out about it at the time?”twenties if not thirties!!!Now I know some of you may be asking “If what you’re saying is true why didn’t I come out about it at the time?”

Well,I didn’t come out about it at the time because I not only one didn’t want to cause or add more drama in the RWBY FNDM but,to make a bald accusation with all the lies Seeker has spread about me going out!It wasn’t unti seeing @JudgmentalThe constantly call out

Seeker for their shit that made me realize that I don’t have to be afraid of Seeker anymore and that I too can defend myself!And it was good to know that others like myself were hurt by Seeker on this app!

So,Critter I don’t know if you’ll see this but if you thank you for not only inspiring me but,for also calling Seeker out on their constant shit!And that’s my history with Seeker!

Thanks for making it to the end and for also being my friends!I will be providing the rest of the proof under this thread.Have a great rest of the day my friends :)

Here are the rest of the pics btw!!!

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