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Mushroom Babbumatta

Apr 15, 2022, 9 tweets

We are halfway into the narrative arc of Edenhorde. 4 episodes out of 8 have been released. Remember, the narrative arc is only the foundation of @Edenhorde.

Here is a recap of keys points of past episodes. Note that only owners of Edenhorde NFT can interact with the story.

Episode 1 was released on February 28th at 15:00 CET. For each Edenhorde NFT that you owned, you were able select a mysterious treasure among three. Your choice was solely based on the treasure text description. The snapshot was taken on February 28th at 14:00 CET.

The interaction window closed on March 11th at 15:00 CET. After this date, it is no longer possible to select a treasure in episode 1.

Episode 2 was released on March 14th at 15:00 CET. In this episode, the mysterious treasures were revealed and you were able to claim your selected expansion NFT into your wallet. These NFTs are freely transferable and exchangeable on the OpenSea marketplace.

Episode 3 was released on March 28th at 15:00 CET. In this episode, holders that have a sundial in their inventory have a choice to make: keep their sundial or exchange it for a token of Larrik friendship. The interaction window closed on April 8th at 15:00 CET.

Only 710 Tokens of Larrik Friendship were minted. No more will ever exist.

Episode 4 was released on April 11th at 15:00 CET. In this episode, holders must vote on what direction Allafred and Estha should take. Should they sneak closer to the ceremony?

Holders are to vote yes or no. Vote takes into account the number of Edenhorde NFT owned. The snapshot was taken at the release of episode 4 at 12:00 CET. The interaction window will close on April 22nd at 15:00 CET. Make your choice before the end of the interaction window.

That's it! The story of Edenhorde gets more and more exciting. Join us in the adventure and drop by the Edenhorde discord You will find a bunch of genuine and kind fellas there.

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