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Apr 16, 2022, 6 tweets

This is something -

That data Michael Sussmann passed to the CIA in 2017?

The CIA concluded it was not "technically plausible" and was "user created and not machine/tool generated"

[Thread on latest Durham filing]

Durham has granted immunity to "Researcher-2" - identified as David Dagon.

Dagon raised concerns to Sussmann that the Trump data "was being unlawfully collected and used"

As we predicted here:…

There's more. It's big.

Trial immunity is granted to Christopher Steele.

The issue: Whether Sussmann was "was acting on behalf of the Clinton Campaign when he assembled and conveyed the Russian Bank-1 allegations"


Small victory lap on that one -

We also suspected on April 5 that Christopher Steele would be granted immunity.…

Back to the Russian Phone allegations provided to the CIA -

Sussmann said the "presence and activity of a Russian made phone around President Trump" started in April 2016.

It continued after Trump's "move to the White House."

They spied on Trump.

We've previously reported that they targeted the Executive Office of the President AFTER Trump was elected.

CIA notes of the Sussmann meeting confirm this.

They extracted and manipulated data from the Executive Office of the President during the transition.

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