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All I want is a better country and a better 🌎... Accountability. Sustainability. Fairness. Truth. Pro PR. Pro EU. #EnoughIsEnough #GTTO #ToriesOut332

Apr 19, 2022, 12 tweets

The forward of the #MinisterialCode, written by Johnson himself.

And read with blue tinted glasses in the below Thread:


“We must uphold the very highest standards of propriety.”

Just kidding: “Do as I do, not as I say”

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“No bullying , no harassment”, but if you are found guilty, make sure you’re bullying in the name of the Tories.

I got you @pritipatel.


“No leaking” unless it’s to smear a potential opponent or deflect from other wrongdoings and criminality within the Tory party.

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“No misuse of taxpayer money” for example wasting it on helping normal people.

Taxpayer money should be funnelled to our donors, friends and families to keep it in the right circles, with tax breaks given to large Co’s to boost shareholder wealth.

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“No actual or perceived conflicts of interest”

Deny knowledge, lie and obfuscate. We must all be united in our gaslighting.

Employ your partner to handle complaints against you. Give contracts to companies you work for or invest in. I don’t care.

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“Integrity, objectivity, accountability, transparency, honesty and leadership in the public interest - must be honoured at all times.”

I went on the lash with Nadine and did a few lines with Gove whilst writing this - please ignore my ramblings🤣.

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“As must the political impartiality of our much admired civil service”, but if they tell you something you don’t like or challenge Tory supreme rule then they’re clearly woke liberal lefty do-gooders who should be replaced by more loyal sycophants.

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“Crucially, there must be no delay” unless it’s Brexit delays as we need to hide the full effects from our rabid gaslit base and pretend it’s a win 🦄.

Delays should also be manufactured for:
- NHS waiting lists
- supply chains
- investigations

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“No misuse of process or procedure”

Let’s create our own processes and procedures.

- VIP lanes to hand contracts to your donors, friends and families
- Secret Advisory Board for our richest donors to dictate policy
- WhatsApp and private emails

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

“The time has come to act” which is essentially a more acceptable term for lie.


“To change this country for the better” - better for *us*, of course!

#JohnsonOut85 #MinisterialCode

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