Hi! Thomas Franke 🌿 Profile picture
Professor of #EngineeringPsychology @UniLuebeck investigating human resource regulation & user experience to enable 'good' technology for #SDG. IG:tommispot

Apr 21, 2022, 12 tweets

So now to something completely different.
Adult Dino Tour at #HFESE2022. 😎

#mauto Torino - a museum for all.
Also for me?
Let's see!

Turin's national automobile museum #mauto was established in 1932 making it one of the worlds oldest auto museums.

Let's start with something sweet.

Actually #mauto was rated as one of the worlds 50 best museums by @thetimes due to its scientific & educational approach.
Okay - let's go on with praise for one of my absolute favorite cars:
The @BMW #Isetta from 1959. 🥰
What a space wonder!
Imagine with pedals @Kilianfranke! 🤩

Can we please have back the FIAT #Multipla from 1964 as a super compact electric bus seating 6 @fiat? 🙏

So please follow me to the second floor where the magic of the automobile begins.
BTW: you can follow the excellent audio guide to my visit at #mauto here:

THIS is pure magic.
Video 1/2 of this wall of wonders of the genesis of the automobility over the centuries.

This section of #mauto on the origins and the evolution of the motor car is definitely one of my absolute favorite - all the curiosities & marvels of human inventors and dreamers that made the history of human mobility on wheels. 🛞🥰
(video 2/2)

And here we are at the world's first self-propelled vehicle from 1769!
Fully automated driving back in the 1760ies? 🤯
Yes - automatic driving was also a big thing these days.
Indeed - today we are not at the beginning of automobility - but of auto-auto-mobility ;-)

Actually - of course - the actual first #automobile was designed by Leonardo da Vinci already during Renaissance - with the best scribble - or 'technical dirty sketch' in 1478 in Codex Atlanticus - a book which received quite good customer ratings at this time according to Google

Here is the link to chapter 2 of my visit to #mauto during #HFESE2022.

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