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Apr 21, 2022, 7 tweets


Since launching veJOE, 17% of all circulating $JOE are now staked + 'locked'. Increasing from 14% 7 days ago.

Over 1/4 of $JOE Tokens are staked by:

What are these protocols currently offering + why?

Find out below 👇

2/ @yieldyak_

The Native OG auto-compounder

• $yyJOE Vault
• veJOE Boost Farms

• 875k $JOE Staked
• 6.9m veJOE Accrued
• £20.7m TVL
• veJOE / TVL - 33.5%

Top Pairs
• $USDC - $AVAX 33% APY
• $JOE - $AVAX 44% APY
• $USDTe - $USDT 8% APY

3/ @beefyfinance

The multi-chain auto-compounder

• $beJOE Vault + Pool
• veJOE Boost Farms

• 280k $JOE Staked
• 1.4m veJOE Accrued
• £21m TVL
• veJOE / TVL - 6.5%

Top Pairs
• $USDC - $AVAX 25% APY
• $JOE - $AVAX 21.5% APY
• $USDTe - $USDT 14% APY

4/ @vector_fi

The Ve-Yield Booster

• $zJOE Pool
• veJOE Boost Farms
• $VTX Additional Rewards

• 8.6m $JOE Staked
• 8m veJOE Accrued
• £23.6m TVL
• veJOE / TVL - 34%

Top Pairs
• $USDC - $AVAX 50% APR
• $JOE - $AVAX 27.7% APR
• $USDTe - $USDT 12% APR

5/ @steakhut_fi

Enter the next participant of the #JOEWARS

How many $JOEs will they zap into a black hole and lock away forever...?

We'll find out soon, right after the 🚀 Launch



veJOE accrual is competitive

The larger your share of veJOE, the more Boost Rewards you receive, which in turn support higher TVL. Protocols with a higher TVL will generate more revenue

veJOE will also provide voting power on Farm emissions, wen gauges?...soon

Also a notable shoutout to @NorthPole_money who have accrued ~360k veJOE and offer veJOE boosted farms.

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