hope • nanamidokja enabler 🙋🏻‍♂️ Profile picture
21 • he/they • i write sometimes • bottom!mc and harem enthusiast • forever f2p because i'm broke

Apr 22, 2022, 53 tweets

a poly! #plotja and #joongdok socmed au where kim dokja talks about a leftover fried chicken, searching for a new best friend, and getting absolutely railed by two of his boyfriends after a provocation done wrong(successfully).


– This is just an au of characters from orv
– I do not own any of the characters
– This au has been christened by me eating fried chicken last night and thought, "huh poly!agenda socmed au"

kim dokja's account and priv

han sooyoung's only account because queens don't chicken out 😜✨

— 1. don't jinx!

— 2. thank you so much to my bestie @passionspen for letting me steal their identity for this au cameo 💀❤

— 3. squid-flavored cotton candy

— 4. pups and pondering

— 5. stuck by twice

— 6. devil incarnate

— 7. calamari ritual

— TBC in here...

...because i still have to do some errands right now, i just speedrun my reposting of this part so that i don't forget about it 🗿

the other parts are in the notes, i just have to screenshot them. and why do i always do the final part first goddamn it—

— 8. sangsoo in paris

— 9. block deez nuts

— 10. @/passionspen winning in life

— 11. god when

— 12. no hetero though

— 13. hit tweet era

— 14. boyfriends (lord when)

— 15. y e e t

yoo joonghyuk and young joohyun (sp)'s respective accounts

— 16. shaking my head

— 17. concerned

— 18. it better be

— 19. moments before the disaster

—20. one syllable = hit tweet

— 21. what happened

— 22. vinegar?

— 23. heh, maybe

— 24. endearments...

— 25. before the reveal

— 26. yoo joonghyuk

— 27. dokja didn't forget!

— 28. too big for dokja

— 29. @/xioliciousui...

— 30. dogshow (real)

— 31. mayora demands

— 32. han sooyoung's benevolence (held at gunpoint)

— 33. a little something

— 34. just a tease

— 35. down bad for you

— 36. wait what

— 37. circus down this alley

— 38. god looks upon you

— 39. straightforward

— 40. chotto matte

— 41. suddenly we can't see

— 42. lock the doors, dokja

— 43. well fuck

— 44. holy spirit activate

— 45. press f in the chats

— 46. hips are...

— end of thread.

hi!! i finally did one socmed au 🥳
it was a really fun experience albeit a little bit messy since i didn't prepare first 🗿

i might make more in the future, we'll never know 🚪🚶🏻‍♂️

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