Tyfanwy Prudence McPrude Profile picture
Librarian, hopeful socialist. Dislike shadiness, misrepresentation and giggity DMs. Love Bob Mortimer ❤️,Julie Andrews 👑 and blue bounty bars 🍫

Apr 23, 2022, 10 tweets

As pretty much everything has been creeping up in price over the last two years, coupled with yet another year of no pay rise, I’ve gradually adapted to my new circumstances. First it was the treats that went, a new skirt, a pretty dress, no biggy. 🧵1/10 #BigPowerOff3

Then realising that in order to afford my bills I’d have to sit through winter with not less heat but no heat, limiting oven cooked food to twice a week, a wash cycle once a week etc… only to see that wasn’t enough, I’d have to cut back on food, 2/10

cut a whole meal a day out, then half the amount of 2nd meals, not healthy for someone with heart disease. Then money for opticians and dentists had to stop being put by, despite glasses keep breaking and them not being strong enough.3/10

I’m living in my overdraft, it’s scary. So what happens in October? I can sit through another winter with no heat (but this does seem to effect my bill going up) I can continue to not eat enough (though my food bill keeps going up),4/10

I’m not disabled, or elderly nor do I have children to worry about, so I’m aware I am so much more fortunate than many BUT what do I not pay? Power? Mortgage? Insurances? Council tax? Water? I mean that’s where we are isn’t it?5/10

I’m in work, I’m not disadvantaged in any way but something will have to go unpaid, then what happens? Will I lose my home? Too many people think it’s not their problem, but it’s creeping up on them.The vulnerable have been living like it for a decade, 6/10

the “barely getting by folk” for years, now the “not flush, but not struggling” are getting hit, how long before the “comfortable” are feeling the squeeze? Does that have to happen before anything is done? We have to fight for ourselves and for every penny. 7/10

Yes, that means on the streets but for those of us who can’t for whatever reason we have other ways to protest #BigPowerOff is something that just might make a difference and that difference might mean I don’t have to worry about losing my home,

that you can put your heating on, or have breakfast every day. It’s not guaranteed but for the sake of turning the power off for 10 minutes a day, isn’t it worth a try? Please join in, please tell people you know to join in, 9/10

if we fall flat on our faces we’re no worse off. 8pm to 8.10pm, even if you’re not effected join us in solidarity ✊💛

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