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Apr 25, 2022, 9 tweets

TODAY: Lacson-Sotto tandem is in Tarlac City for a town hall meeting with farmers and transport groups.

Crowd estimated to be around 3,000 – one of the largest for a Lacson-Sotto sortie – here at the Tarlac State University. | @ramboreports #PHVote

@ramboreports Lacson and Sotto are in Central and Northern Luzon for the next two days. They are also set to go to Pangasinan, La Union, Abra, Ilocos Sur, and Ilocos Norte. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide #PHVoteLacson rappler.com/nation/electio…

WATCH: Presidential candidate Senator Panfilo Lacson arrives here at the Tarlac State University gymnasium. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide #PHVoteLacson

Vice presidential candidate Senate President Vicente Sotto III now also here. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

Former PNP chief Nicanor Bartolome, a Tarlaqueño from Gerona, endorses Lacson and Sotto. | via @ramboreports #PHVote #WeDecide

@ramboreports LIVE: Lacson and Sotto in Tarlac #PHVote #WeDecide

Sotto: Handa kaming harapin ang problema ng bayan. Napakarami naming isinulat na batas, pero hindi naipapatupad nang maayos.


@ramboreports Sotto engages with Tarlac crowd through humor. #PHVote #WeDecide

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@ramboreports Lacson now on stage to give his speech.

Lacson says they are not only visiting the provinces to campaign. The tandem also uses this opportunity to learn more about the problems local residents experience.


Lacson reiterates the tandem's legislative experience, and again cites hurdles in the implementation of the laws they penned.

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