Alex P Profile picture
Founder & CEO @spin_fi | Ex-Google, derivatives trader, in love with web3.

Apr 25, 2022, 11 tweets

1/ Whether you focus on maximizing your profits or you’re building on $NEAR – this thread will help you perfectly navigate the ecosystem of #NEAR-native apps. Build your combos, and expand your partnerships!

Dedicated to @NEARProtocol OGs and newbies 🧵

2/ Let’s start with an overview of projects that are already live on #NEAR Protocol’s mainnet. Today’s newcomers are @DcntrlBank's #USN and the first order book DEX on #NEARProtocol – @spin_fi 🚀

A legendary day, really.

3/ The list isn't complete; I'll mention more as well as Protocols that will be launching in my next #NEAR-bullish thread (hey, @thenearpay, stay tuned).

Ok, let’s go 🔥

4/ So, you have $NEAR and prefer holding long-term. @meta_pool is a liquid #staking solution with the yield paid in $META tokens. You deposit $NEAR, receive $stNEAR, and generate $META. Easy!

5/ Eager to re-invest $stNEAR? Awesome, @burrowcash allows you to do that or lend you another asset using $NEAR as collateral (same as @BastionProtocol on @auroraisnear).

Play around with this DeFi lego and expand your list of opportunities on the @NEARProtocol ecosystem ;)

6/ Ok, you’re ready to swap the $META or $BRRR you earned or get some other tokens. You need a #DEX! @finance_ref is a great choice for #AMM lovers – instant swaps, farming, different tokens, staking and liquidity mining.
All in one place with over $200M TVL! 🚀

7/ Looking for a CEX-competitive trading experience? The recently launched @spin_fi order book #DEX with on-chain matching is your best bet.
Perpetuals and futures are still in progress, so if you trade actively – #Spin will be your new best friend on @NEARProtocol. #USN soon😉🍾

8/ Oh, you’re good at analyzing emerging protocols and want to participate in early-stage investing in #NEAR-based protocols. Then head to @skywardfinance or @bocachica_io – NEAR-native launchpads for new projects! 💎

9/ If you’re an ex-Opensea citizen searching for new NFT collecting (or speculating) opportunities, visit @ParasHQ or @mintbase – your NFT harbor.
My personal favorites are #FreakyElves (they're developed by @spin_fi and are super cute).
Choose your fighter 🦾

10/ Or, explore the metaverse with play-to-earn NEAR-native games! @SweatEconomy was one of the hottest this month (in all senses), but I am sure you’ll be able to find something interesting for yourself on @awesome_near:…

11/ So, here is the overview of the popular #NEAR-native dApps that are already accepting new users on their #mainnet. Aurora is awesome as well, but today the topic is the #NEARBlockchain. Upcoming NEAR-native projects overview is our next stop!

Explore the ecosystem!

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