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From where I sit: There is a certain majesty in simplicity.

Apr 26, 2022, 10 tweets

FYI: @KeEquityBank @Microsoftea collaborated in making the #EquityHackathon possible that brought 663 students from @uonbi and @MeruUniversity

The students developed solution touching on payments, ID systems and financial inclusion services. #EquityHackathon

The winners of the #EquityHackathon will take home Kes600K and internship at @Microsoftea

.@KeEquityBank CIO Lanre Bamisebi closing the #EquityHackathon

Irene Githinji prog officer at @Microsoftea as @KeEquityBank's #EquityHackathon came to a close

#TeamRutela from @unobi were the #EquityHackathon winners and got the Kes600K cheque and internship opportunities at @Microsoftea

#TeamJazia from @MeruUniversity were the position 2 in the #EquityHackathon taking home Kes250K and internship at @Microsoftea

#EquityHackathon 3rd winner was Hubert Kimani from @uonbi who took home Kes150K and a 3mth internship at @Microsoftea

#EquityHackathon #TeamCodeNinja were the 4th winners and they took home Kes100K...

.@KeEquityBank has been at the forefront of deepening financial inclusion through championing the development of innovative solutions that socially and economically empower consumers, businesses, enterprises and communities - Dr. Mwangi CEO/MD

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